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So you’re ready to save money, spend less time shopping, and figure out how to make food last longer?

You’re in the right place to Shop Smarter!

Katie Kimball

Hi there!

I’m Katie, the voice of healthy kids cooking, and I’m on a mission to connect families around healthy food.

You’ll find recipes, research, reviews and remedies here to help you figure out how to stay healthy without going crazy!

Read More About Me »

bowl of homemade chicken stock on a red striped hand towel

The Encyclopedia of Perfect Homemade Chicken Stock

Homemade chicken stock is a real food kitchen essential! Here’s everything you need to know to make, use, and store high quality stock.

dry food storage in glass jars

Baby Steps for HEALTHY Emergency Food Storage

How many days of emergency food storage do you have in case a disaster strikes? Simple tips to incorporate food preparedness into your life with ease.


Why Cabbage is One of the Best Buys of the Produce Section

Cabbage, a long lasting vegetable, is often over-looked. But don’t be fooled. This budget-friendly veggie has nutrition and versatility!

No Waste, No Cheat Meal Plan

Find out what I’ve been feeding my family while avoiding the grocery store during the Covid-19 Quarantine to keep us healthy and keep me sane.

pinto gallo

Chef Junior Cookbook

The Pinto Gallo Recipe is in this cookbook of which my son is one of the authors!

Sprouted Legume Salad

How to Sprout Seeds

Easy directions for frugal and cheap (free!) sprouting kits to sprout beans, wheat, seeds and more. Add nutrition to your seeds!


More of a visual learner? Let me talk to you about the benefits of homemade bone broth and walk you through making a batch PLUS hear about my own take on meal prep!

Have you tried batch cooking? It’s one of my favorite kitchen hacks to save time while cooking real food, but my take may be slightly different than the ones you’ve seen before.

Instead of making large batches of food and saving them for later, I batch together kitchen tasks and link one night’s dinner to the next. Think of it as getting a head start on your next meal. The net result is time savings AND fresh dinners every night.

The current trend in meal prep seems to be focused on taking several hours on a weekend day to chop and prep veggies, cook meats, and then assemble the leftovers into a multitude of containers.

This is great if it works for you, but my family gets sick of eating leftovers all the time and I get tired of keeping track of all the containers in the fridge! Plus, spending 3-4 hours in the kitchen on a Saturday or Sunday afternoon is usually the last thing I want to do.

My Real Food Head Start 7 Day Dinner Plan provides a framework for incorporating my technique each day to save time on future meals and even start stocking your freezer if you want, while still making and serving a fresh dinner. The best part is, you use the time you are already in the kitchen – no extra prep day needed!

Several ways to incorporate bone broth, too!

Katie Kimball Has Been Featured On

WZZM13 ABC Fox 17 BuzzFeed HuffPost Rodale Wellness BabyCenter Money Saving Mom Wellness Mama 100 Days of Real Food Tasty UltraWellness Center Amazon Kindle Author Natural News Greatist PopSugar

Kitchen Stewardship Readers Say…

Quotes From KS Readers:

Kitchen Stewardship logo “I do have to say Katie….your website has transformed my kitchen!”

“I found Kitchen Stewardship in the google search results for homemade chicken broth. I kept looking until I found yours because I wasn’t satisfied with any other source. You had so much more information than just a recipe and it helped tremendously. I had no idea at the time how expansive KS is. I found it at the perfect time as I was ready to hear real food evangelism – I’d just found out about white sugar and began reading many labels when a friend did Whole30 and was very surprised. I’ve learned so much in the past few months, even successfully made yogurt on my first try thanks to your guide. – A.B., Kentucky

“I have to tell you, I’ve been blessed and inspired by everything I’ve read that you’ve written. You seem to be writing from MY heart” – DonnaLee, a reader

I absolutely love all of your recipes and I find myself on your blog multiple times a day looking something up. I pull my phone out at Trader Joe’s all the time to “see what Katie suggests.” You have helped me go from being inspired to cook healthy, to actually doing it all the time. Most of my friends can’t believe I cook 3 meals a day for my family of 5 from scratch. No boxes (most of the time), nothing pre-prepared (most of the time), and tons of nutrition (most of the time). – Celeste, a recipe tester for an eBook (check out all my e-cookbooks and guides HERE)

“Can I simply say that we are LOVING your course!? My kids are ages 2-13, and they are so excited when I tell them it is cooking class day! The 13yo (son) and 11yo (daughter) ASK without any prompting from me if they can start making lunch/dinner. It has also been SO helpful that I can count on my ‘littles’ to wash, peel and cut soft stuff as well as butter their bread and on the ‘bigs’ to cut the harder veggies. “Thank you for listening to God’s call for using your talents. You are a blessing!” – Traci W., WI

Kids Cook Real Food logoThat last quote is about the Kids Cook Real Food eCourse, a real labor of love that my kids and I put together. It’s an online cooking eCourse for kids ages 2-teen that teaches the basics of cooking via video lessons and kid-friendly recipes. We have members from literally all over the world (every continent but Antarctica) and are so excited to spread the joy of real food cooking! Interested in teaching your kids to cook? If you don’t want to miss out the next time I offer my eCourse, then just let me know and I’ll write to you as soon as it’s available. You’ll also receive a PDF of skills your child can perform at their current age. Don’t miss out!

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