Lotus Trolley Bags

Product Name: Lotus Trolley Bags
Product Description: Reusable grocery shopping bags designed to span the width of the cart to keep your groceries organized.
Brand: Lotus
My Thoughts:
People told me these cool Lotus Trolley bags could never work at ALDI with their unique bagging system (or lack thereof)…but I tried it anyway and it worked! My bags were organized before I went to the counter except for a few jars at the bottom of the cart that I was too slow to catch! AND they fit Costco carts. #smitten
Here’s How I Made Grocery Cart Bags Work For Me at Aldi
I’m a big proponent of using reusable grocery bags for every grocery run and I’m so glad I got the chance to try out these shopping cart or “trolley” bags from Lotus.
Bagging at Aldi is always a bit hectic for me.
The bagging counter is usually very crowded, and if I have kids in tow it can be pretty tricky to get everyone moving in the right direction without being run over by the crowd. These bags completely eliminated the bagging step on my last trip to Aldi, and I’m so impressed.
The design of these bags is really well thought out. They thought of everything! They’re large enough to fit in the biggest shopping carts, and there’s a specific use in mind for each bag. One of them is insulated to keep chilled food cold on the way home, and one of the bags even a special pocket to keep eggs from getting smooshed and of course a pocket designated for holding a bottle of wine.

Here’s how the company suggests using each bag:
- Put all of the lightest items together in the first largest bag.
- All the cold food goes into the insulated bag that will keep your freezer items frozen all the way home.
- Produce is next, in its own designated bag. This makes it so easy to unload all the veggies into the crisper drawer at once.
- The last bag is the smallest and will hold the heaviest items like jars and cans. Each bag is supposed to be able to hold up to 50 pounds, but this smaller bag is ideal for the heavy stuff so it doesn’t get too heavy to transfer to the car or bring up the driveway.
To make this system work for me at Aldi, I sorted my groceries right into their proper bags as I shopped, and then loaded the conveyor belt in order. I then zipped around and put the bags in the new cart before she started scanning.
Well, I almost made it – she was faster than I was and had already scanned about 7 items before I got my bags into the next cart, but the rest of the items she just plopped into one bag at a time. Since the bags are designed to stay open by themselves it didn’t slow her down a bit! My cart looked almost the same before and after checking out, and I completely skipped the bagging counter on my way out the door. So cool!
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