We got a bidet a few months ago, and we discovered that the second fastest way to completely clear a table of children who are still eating dinner, is to tell them what a bidet is.
They all immediately ran up to the master bathroom to see what it was.
In case you’re wondering what the first fastest way is, two months into the quarantine of March/April 2020 the doorbell rang.
So you might be wondering like my kids did, what is a bidet and why did we get one?

Why Use a Bidet?
Well, a bidet is a toilet paper alternative, it’s a way to use water to cleanse what you’d normally use toilet paper on.
The reason we got a bidet is that I had heard so many of my doctor friends and natural health practitioner friends talk about just how wonderful it was. Then I heard the founder of Tushy speak and I was just so so curious.
I like doing things a little out of the mainstream, and I also love saving trees. It’s also kind of nice to know that if the toilet paper runs out, we’re still good. If you aren’t ready to get a bidet yet, check out these other toilet paper alternative ideas.
Is this gonna work? I had my doubts, and I went in really skeptical.
For you today, I would say yes, it does work, but let’s talk about that a little more.
Watch my Tushy Bidet Attachment Review Here
Can’t see the video? Watch my Tushy Bidet Review here on YouTube!
Tushy Bidet Review: Pros and Cons
Let’s talk pros and cons. You know at Kitchen Stewardship®, I always give brutally honest product reviews. So you’re definitely going to hear what I don’t love about this. Although, SPOILER ALERT, we’re overall happy with it and would recommend it!
It’s actually really easy to install, my husband did it and it honestly took under 10 minutes. It’s just an extra piece that goes around the hinges on your toilet seat.
A huge advantage is that you definitely use less toilet paper. So that’s less shopping, less expense, and fewer trees being flushed down the toilet.
A possible disadvantage is that the water is cold, you have to steel yourself for that.
The second level of the Tushy bidet actually has a hot water hookup. That takes a little bit more installation, you have to hook it into the sink. We purchased that one, but our master bathroom is so far away from the water heater that we would have to waste 2-3 minutes of water just to get warm water hitting my tushy. So we don’t use that feature, which is why I would recommend the lower level one.
This isn’t really an advantage or disadvantage, but good information to know: there’s a learning curve for using the Tushy.
You really have to wiggle around and figure out your system to get the aim in the right spot.
I do love that there are levels of pressure on the Tushy. I find that for ladies’ front parts, you want to use lower-level pressure because it’s just more comfortable. In order to be actually effective on the back, you generally need high-level pressure.
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Imagine this email series as a virtual chat over the backyard fence with your own neighbor, a wise older mom who’s raising 4 kids with intention, trying to avoid unnecessary medication and being kind to the earth.
Looking forward to connecting to help you learn EXACTLY what you need to know to stock your natural remedies “medicine cabinet,” deal with normal childhood ailments, and even the dreaded, “What’s that on my skin?” issue! 🙂
Does a Bidet Really Work? Still Skeptical?
At least at the beginning, I highly recommend the single square confidence test. We didn’t quite trust it at first, so every time I would just use a single square and check to make sure all the soil was removed. Once the single square confidence test has passed after time, then you don’t have to touch the toilet paper anymore. Pretty big bonus.
Another thing I recommend is having a bum wiper. Here’s the thing, you might be wondering “how is this going to work? Aren’t I going to be all wet?”
I do have a little washcloth in arm’s reach from the toilet and I just use that to keep me dry. If this is TMI, you’re reading the wrong review. 😉
Let’s talk about what disappointed me about the Tushy bidet.

Notes for Women: Using a Bidet During Your Period
One of the times I was most looking forward to having water washing my tushy was during my menstrual cycle.
If you’re a woman, you know how at that time of the month sometimes there’s an odor and you just never quite feel clean unless you’ve just gotten out of the shower. So I thought “This is gonna be great. It’ll be like a shower every time I use the bathroom.”
However, the single square confidence test is a little shaky at that time of the month. Maybe I haven’t figured out my rhythm yet, it’s only been two months.
On a similar note, if you use natural family planning, you have to check your mucus daily. Obviously, if you’re not using toilet paper that complicates that system. I have found that the bidet just simply doesn’t actually get all the mucus off.
RELATED: NFP basics to get you started.
None of those are deal-breakers though because I just use a little bit of toilet paper or my bum wiper.

Tushy Bidet Review Recommendation
Overall here at the Kimball household, we do recommend that everybody have a bidet. Using less toilet paper is a huge win! I haven’t done the math, but I would think over the first year or two, you would pay yourself back for the price of the Tushy.
We all remember in March/April 2020 when there was hardly any toilet paper to be found. It’s nice peace of mind to have another option if that were to ever happen again or you just forget to go to the store and you run out of toilet paper.
It does definitely keep things a lot cleaner and a lot more fresh smelling, and it’s just a fun alternative.
To be honest, my kids are starting to love it. My little seven-year-old says he’s going to use it every time he poops and he pronounces it a little off so it’s hilarious!
We heartily recommend the Tushy bidet but I would not recommend going for the top tier most expensive option because all of the adjustments that we found to be helpful are in the less expensive Tushy.
That’s always great news when you can spend less and get a quality product!
Do you use a bidet? Have I convinced you to give it a try?