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Katie’s Official Mockmill Review

Here at Kitchen Stewardship®, I’m sort of known for both comprehensive and honest reviews of natural living and real food cooking products. People turn here first when it comes to what natural mineral sunscreen to buy, how to choose a good reusable bag for school lunch, and even non-toxic nail polish, a review we’re still in the middle of testing for part two!

Whole grains before grinding and after grinding on a plate and in bowls. Red wheat, einkorn and spelt. Katie Kimball of Kitchen Stewardship next to her Mockmill grain grinder.

As I’ve been sharing about our Grinding Challenge, you’ve gotten to see a lot of little peeks at the Mockmill, the grain mill that we’re currently testing. Here’s what we’ve covered:

Mockmill and whole grains to grind

More Grain Grinding Challenge Series Posts

The Grinding Challenge Series is getting me to use my Mockmill grain mill! Here’s what we’re covering: Plus where to find einkorn and get your own Mockmill HERE.

Recipes We’ve Worked on in the Series:

Don’t worry, if you don’t have a grain mill or couldn’t imagine yourself grinding grain yourself, I’ll be sure to address when any of these CAN’T be done with commercial flour. Usually, recipes are very compatible! 

I think you can tell we don’t just use something once or twice and then write up a few paragraphs about it!

People have had lots of questions, like:

  • Is it loud?
  • Is it easy to use?
  • How does it compare to other mills?
  • Do you like the flour?
  • Will I use it?
  • Will I have space for it?

I have thoughts. Plenty. Winking smile They start with this very honest video of me opening the Mockmill box, when I was grateful for the very easy “getting started” instructions!

Best Features of the Mockmill Grain Mill We Love

Katie Kimball and the Mockmill grain mill

Small footprint

The Mockmill takes up so much less space than my Nutrimill (use code KS20 for $20 off!), it’s not even a comparison. I have very low cupboards, and was worried it wouldn’t fit underneath, but it does just fine… Just barely.

Wide range of settings

You can really be in control of how finely you grind things you put through the Mockmill. It makes incredibly fine, professional-grade flour, for starters… Which is definitely the most important part.

But you can also set it so wide open that you can crack grains, for example: making whole oat groats into steel cut oats at home, or whole wheat or einkorn into cracked grains for porridge.

If you really value finely ground flour, do what Chris Stafferton does: mill your grains twice or even thrice! I have no idea if other mills can handle flour being milled again – it’s beyond the scope of my imagination with baking! – but Chris does it regularly with the Mockmill, which he values as the best mill on the market (that’s affordable).

Nice Aesthetics

Mockmill grain mill on counter with sourdough starters, millet and quinoa.

I’m really not the kind of person who cares about how things look, but I must say the Mockmill is attractive. If I put it side-by-side with my Nutrimill, there is one that belongs relegated to the basement, and the other that I would be happy to have on my counter. Winking smile

Here’s my original Nutrimill review from years ago, by the way. I also did a comparison with the Wondermill.

Dishes and clean up

The Nutrimill mills flour into its own enclosed bowl, but it tends to puff flour out if not perfectly pushed together. Also, upon opening the bowl, there’s a good bit of flour wafting around from the lid of the bowl. I never really washed that bowl, which didn’t bother me, but I’ve had readers tell me that I’m super gross.

Ha! I don’t have time to wash extra bowls just because I’m baking from scratch!

The huge Nutrimill bowl always caused space issues as well, taking up a large area on my already limited counter space.

Soft gluten free tortillas, crispy gluten free pizza and peanut butter applesauce einkorn muffins.

With the Mockmill, it is what it is. It’s there and mills directly into your mixing bowl, which is fabulous. I feel like I can even throw a half handful of grain into the top, and shoot it directly onto my rolling surface if I just need a bit more to roll out some dough without stickiness. With the Nutrimill, if I had no flour left, it was always like a big sigh… I have to get the Nutrimill going again, oh no!

It seems silly to even say that 30 seconds is a hassle, but if you are a busy parent too, you get me.

Every. Little. Thing. Matters.

I used to just roll sticky dough. 😉 No longer a problem!


This one is huge, because I have experienced the limitation of the Nutrimill in a big bad way. One time, I was milling chickpeas for this chickpea flour pizza crust (which is awesome, by the way!). And somehow a rogue chickpea got stuck. It was impossible to get it out of the mill!

Homemade pizza on a gluten-free chickpea pizza crust.

My loving, persistent husband spent at least 45 minutes with a screwdriver doing things to the Nutrimill that should never have been done to it. We had no choice! It was out of warranty and either wouldn’t work or we had to risk breaking it.

It’s never been the same since, although he did manage to get said rogue chickpea out. Sad smile

With the Mockmill, it’s very easy within about 1 minute to take the entire thing apart and pull out anything that might be jammed. For someone like me who tends to break everything she touches, this is a huge advantage. 😉

Flexibility – Range of Grains/Seeds the Mockmill can Handle

Many mills can grind grains and only grains. Here’s a partial list of the Mockmill’s do’s and don’ts (only partial because I’m sure I didn’t include everything out there, but it’s pretty comprehensive!)

YES – Can Mill in the Mockmill
  • all whole grains: wheat, einkorn, buckwheat, millet, quinoa, rice, even tiny things like teff and amaranth are no problem
  • tapioca
  • chickpeas and other beans (these are hit and miss in other mills)
  • flax and chia seed – must be milled with another grain for the recipe, but if you’re baking by weight, that’s no problem. Most mills say NO WAY to any oily seed, so what a great deal that the Mockmill can do these at all!
  • spices
A bowl of unground flax seeds.
NO – Do Not Mill in the Mockmill

I cook with a lot of strange ingredients, so I asked about quite a few food items!

  • almonds (use the code STEWARDSHIP for 10% off at that site!)
  • coffee
  • coconut (to make flour)
  • popcorn (I used to try this but discovered NOPE – and the Mockmill instructions now reflect that)

If you do mill something not intended for the Mockmill, even very oily like almonds, it’s not a big deal. It doesn’t break your appliance!

It’s this easy to clean up and recover: just open it up, scrape out the almond meal/butter that’s gumming it all up, wipe it out with a dry cloth, and run some white rice through to clean the stones. Boom. Back in business.


Katie Kimball of Kitchen Stewardship opening her Mockmill grain mill.

I’ve become more and more aware of and nervous about endocrine disruptors in our environment recently. It seems they are wreaking havoc on our health, from children to adults – and plastic has always had a target on its back.

I avoid plastic, but I’m very tolerant of it if I feel that I have no choice.

It gives me great joy to be given a non-plastic choice in the world of grain mills. The material the Mockmill is made of is actually not plastic, and not made from non-renewable petroleum, but rather plant-based fibers.

Negative Points About the Mockmill

There are a few drawbacks, and I’m always honest about that.

Human Error Prone

The Mockmill has a few rules you really have to follow, and the learning curve was a bit sticky for me.

You must turn the machine ON before adding any grain, and you need to let all the grain get through the mill before turning it OFF.

That’s a very easy rule. I know. I know. An adult should be able to handle that.

But there were a few times early on as I got used to it that I dumped the grains in first – particularly, it irks me that I can’t just weigh whole grains in my mixing bowl, pour them in the top, then move the mixing bowl around to the bottom to catch the flour. I’m not going to wash something that only held whole grains, not flour, so it’s not like it adds to the dishes, but it’s one more thing to think about.

Freshly baked whole grain muffins, freshly ground einkorn, spelt and red wheat flours in bowls, homemade pepperoni pizza on a crispy homemade crust.

At least it grinds superfine, as good as a professional mill! Listen to Paul Lebeau’s interview to hear a culinary professor’s thoughts.

There was another time when I was making a triple batch of gluten-free cornbread. I measured all the corn, which is the only grain in my cornbread, and started sending it through the Mockmill. Someone had a question, or we had to pray meal grace for dinner or something. I turned off the mill.


That’s a no-no. It jammed up.

To be fair, I wasn’t following the rules, so it’s human error, not bad design, but it’s something to remember as you begin to use your own Mockmill! No interrupting the grind! This is the same, from what I understand, with a few other mills. The Nutrimill may be the only one that allows grains to be poured in while off.

The positive spin, of course, is that accessibility I mentioned above – I could pour all the corn back out the top, open the mill up, clean out the two stones in about 5 seconds, and put it all back together again. Annoying, but not gray-hair-inducing like that other mill. Note that I’ve since learned that popcorn is a no-no with the Mockmill, you can only grind regular corn.

The Mockmill may also jam if you put something too oily or too wet through it, and the stones “glaze” up. This isn’t a drawback but rather an advantage, since it’s easy to clean out to be like new. With other mills, if you mill the wrong food, you might have killed your (expensive) mill.

Katie Kimball of Kitchen Stewardship holding her Mockmill grain mill. Freshly baked whole grain muffins, and crispy crusted pepperoni pizza made with freshly ground whole wheat flour.

Can’t Use Tall Bowls

Because the Mockmill grinds grain directly into your bowl and must be a top-to-bottom operation, the spout where the flour comes out is too low for something tall like a KitchenAid stand mixer bowl. To mill directly into my KitchenAid bowl, which I do tend to use a lot for baking, I have to pull the mill to the front of my counter and hold the bowl manually (not efficient!). Even though it only takes a minute or two for a whole recipe, I’m an impatient multitasker. I could sometimes prop the bowl under the spout, but it’s a risk that it slides sideways and spills everywhere.

If you are lucky enough to have a higher portion of your counter, like a bar/peninsula with counter underneath, you’re golden. That’s the home for your Mockmill!

The Mockmill does fit an average glass dish underneath, like this large Pyrex version many of us probably have. And if you bake most of all with your KitchenAid and don’t want another large appliance around, Mockmill does have an attachment! I have one to try but honestly haven’t gotten it out of the box yet. #lifeasmom

Learning Curve: Calibration

The Mockmill is very interesting, in that although it has numbers 1-10 on the lever that determines how finely the flour is ground, #1 isn’t always “perfect finely ground.” Why? The Mockmill actually has about 30 “positions” that the lever can rest in, from super fine to very coarse (cracked grain).

You can loosen the level and ratchet it around to obtain all the 30 positions, but it also means that there’s a learning curve to figure out where “finely ground” is, exactly. It took me a few tries, but once I read this clear explanation of how to do it, it was easy to figure out. Am I the only one who doesn’t always like to read directions though? Winking smile

I guess because the range of grind level is vast, with more options than most grain mills (and ultimately easy to adjust), this probably should be in the advantages list, shouldn’t it?

Is It Loud?

Well, yes. Grain milling doesn’t really have a “quiet” setting like new dishwashers do – the insulation that would take would remove the whole “aesthetics” thing from above!

But I told a funny story in my Nutrimill review about my mom wondering if I’d hopped on a jet plane when I tried milling grain while on the phone with her. I did that again with the Mockmill, and no funny questions. So either it’s a bit better (I think it is) or she’s just used to my weird, real food antics by now!

Should You Buy a Mockmill Grain Mill?

You’ve heard my thoughts on the Mockmill. I’m a fan! (Anyone want to buy a used Nutrimill that still works in spite of an unfortunate run-in with a chickpea? Ahem…)

If you have wanted to get into baking more, whether gluten-free, whole wheat or einkorn, or if you are already an avid baker and can’t wait to maximize your nutrition with freshly milled grains, (not to mention saving money and having an easier time storing your grains!), then you definitely want a grain mill. If you’re going to be milling grains, it might as well be the best you can afford – and this is definitely it, in my book.

But you’ll want to consider your own criteria:

  • space on the counter (or in storage)
  • whether you like the built-in bowl idea or using your own
  • scope out other mills (there are more beyond the Nutrimill and Mockmill; those are just the two I had experience with)
  • your tolerance for slightly not-as-finely ground flour

Get the best price on your Mockmill direct from the company right HERE. But of course, check prices on Amazon if you like. I can’t wait to hear what you think!

Have you had any interesting stories to share about grinding your own grains?

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Unless otherwise credited, photos are owned by the author or used with a license from Canva or Deposit Photos.
Category: The Reviews

12 thoughts on “Katie’s Official Mockmill Review”


    1. Katie Kimball @ Kitchen Stewardship®

      That’s a good question, Jo, and I can’t say I’ve ever heard any conversations about this. In my Mockmill, I can actually see the millstones (in a Nutrimill for ex they’re encased and not visible). They’re just stones…and they aren’t touching each other if all the settings are right…so I wouldn’t expect pieces to be flying off into the flour. Is that what you mean? If you actually mean “leach” that’s generally over time, I think, like putting liquids in plastic. The grains and flour are touching the millstones for SUCH a short time that I wouldn’t think leaching could happen. I wonder if the Mockmill company would have some insight – have you pinged their customer service?

      Way to be a thinker! Katie

  2. Please help! I just purchased my Mockmill 100 and the instructions say do not use popcorn, which is one of the main reasons I got a mill for home ground cornmeal. Is it ok to use popcorn in it? I’m kinda sick over it!

    1. Carolyn @ Kitchen Stewardship

      My understanding is that you can use it with regular corn, just not popcorn. I hope that makes you feel better!

      1. spring has sprung

        Your article here, lists popcorn as something it can mill. However, their website says clearly, no popcorn. It’s a bit misleading in your article. I wonder if you could ad a caveat, like parenthesis that says (only with other corn at the same time)… Just to not confuse someone.

        1. Katie Kimball @ Kitchen Stewardship®

          Thank you for pointing this out! I actually did used to mill popcorn but jammed my mill a few times and my OWN Mockmill now has “NO popcorn!!!” written on top in permanent marker because I was so frustrated. My hunch? I bet Mockmill used to say the mill could handle popcorn and changed their tune. I’m certain I wouldn’t have milled popcorn without checking…well, sort of certain. I know I could mill popcorn with the Nutrimill. Either way, you’re right, NO popcorn! Editing the post now! Thanks, Katie

    1. Katie Kimball @ Kitchen Stewardship

      Hi Cheryle,
      I’ve never once overheated the Mockmill, and I’ve milled FAR more tough stuff than oats! So I can’t promise it never happens but it sure doesn’t seem so! 🙂 Katie

  3. I just ordered a mill. Although I can’t really afford it, it will pay for itself over time. I recently moved (end of November, 2017) and, despite being only 2 blocks from a bakery, I have had trouble finding bread that I want to eat. Few, if any, bread at the bakery are 100% whole grain, never mind the name of the bread. ALL of the bread they make use partially hydrogenated soy oil!
    I have found no sourdough bread any where that does not include yeast.
    The best bread I have found is Dave’s Killer Bread, at $6+ a loaf, 17 slices, 765g. The company does sell thin-sliced bread but not in my stores.
    Not being in the USA, I didn’t get free shipping, but at least they ship to Canada.
    I suppose you have already rejected this idea, but if you can find a small stand or a few thick books, you could raise your mill enough to use a taller dish for the milled grain.

    1. Katie Kimball @ Kitchen Stewardship

      Hi Paula! Ack, partially hydrogenated soy oil – yucky. You are right to make your own! If you like whole wheat sourdough, here’s my recipe:

      You can definitely do it w/o yeast, but yes, most commercial ops don’t because it takes sooooo long to make, and they need their space back for another batch. In home, it’s not hard to let something rise for 12 hours. 🙂

      Oh and YES, I do want to play with putting the Mockmill on some books – I just have to deal with my low cupboards and do some figuring out about a place where it won’t get in the way of cupboards opening…


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