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Do you Have a Natural Toothpaste? {REVIEWS}

Read my review of several mainstream natural toothpastes and teeth cleaners

As I was working on the Monday Mission about safer toothpaste, I realized that telling you about the various natural toothpaste options I’ve tried needed to be a post in itself.

That post may have made you depressed about all the junk in toothpaste and in our city water, but today you can be glad because there are a few companies giving you the choice about fluoride and using safe, eco-friendly ingredients.

2025 Update: The natural toothpaste we love best and use exclusively now is from Wellnesse! They have cinnamon, mint, charcoal, and kid’s strawberry varieties!

Before I jump into the brands of toothpaste, there are a few points worth mentioning from the conversations in comments on the safe toothpaste post:

  • abrasiveness/weak teeth: Some folks find that baking soda (and wondered about the salt in Earthpaste) can be too abrasive or hurt sensitive teeth or gums. This can be a valid concern, but it’s definitely up to each individual to determine what works. I’m guessing that by the end of this post, you’ll find an option you’d like to explore.
  • oil pulling: This practice has actually been my answer to sensitive teeth. It really did work to fix my sensitive-to-cold-and-sweet teeth a year ago, and I know I need to start up again but I keep forgetting in the morning.
  • Dr. Price: I nearly wrote a post about teeth without mentioning Dr. Weston A. Price, the pioneer dentist who connected food and nutrition with oral health. I updated yesterday’s post a bit, but let’s suffice to say that the world existed for a very long time without fluoride, and contrary to what you might imagine, everyone didn’t lose their teeth. It was only when industrial foods like sugar, white flour, and trans fats entered the scene that dental health went to pot.
  • probiotics: One commenter mentioned that her children were struggling with cavities, and she thought about cavities being caused by bacteria. The only change she made was adding a good probiotic into their diets, and the cavities disappeared. Worth sharing!
  • I updated the post with some stories and resources from a reader which I had forgotten: see Kathryn’s story of fluoride sensitivity HERE.

We certainly haven’t tried all the natural brands of toothpaste out there, but we’ve had a handful.

Important note: Always read ingredients. Tons of “natural” products have the same old chemicals and additives as the regular brands, including fluoride, SLS, and glycerin. Natural brands often cut the artificial sweeteners and colors, but often that’s not a big enough improvement in my opinion to spend double and triple the money.

The top three listed here are just about tied as far as how well we like them/like the ingredients, so keep that in mind as you read.

Here are the natural toothpaste brands we have run through the Kitchen Stewardship® gauntlet:

UPDATE: See my review of OraWellness and their Brushing Blend and Bass Brushes here!

Earthpaste by Redmond Trading

Ingredients: hydrated Redmond Clay, Real Salt, xylitol, tea tree oil, essential oil to flavor
Price: Check pricing on Amazon or on the company’s website (use the code kitchenstewardship for 15% off of your first purchase from Redmond)

Read my review of several mainstream natural toothpastes and teeth cleaners


  • Amazing ingredients – I love that almost everything in Earthpaste is something I would consume in some way anyway.
  • You can swallow Earthpaste and it’s no big deal. This is really handy when you’re in another room and need to finish up a tooth brushing session for a child. They don’t have to keep running back and forth to spit.
  • Tastes great
  • It’s unexpected, because we’re so used to foamy toothpaste, but our teeth really do feel clean after brushing with Earthpaste.
  • The whole family can use one tube – there’s no special “kid toothpaste” needed.
  • My dad tells me it works great with an electric toothbrush, and he likes it better than toothpastes with foaming agents, because it doesn’t foam up and spray all over while he brushes.
  • One of the reviewers here (click the review tab) said it brightened their family’s teeth and another noticed dark spots disappearing and thinks it might be remineralizing their teeth! Clay and salt both have trace minerals, so it’s possible…and pretty darn cool.


  • The tube is quite a bit of a pain, clogging up, breaking the top off, etc. But I saw Redmond reply in a review on their site that the packaging is changing, so I’m encouraged about that!
  • I feel like I need to use more than normal toothpaste, probably because it doesn’t foam up. To feel like I’m covering every tooth, I always brush quickly all the way around my mouth on the first swipe to “spread out” the toothpaste, which helps, but it still seems like I shouldn’t use just a pea-sized dollop.
  • If you do spit and don’t rinse out the sink well, it looks dirty since the Earthpaste is grey. Company would think you never clean your sink rather than knowing that the kids didn’t rinse the toothpaste down.
  • Xylitol isn’t my favorite sweetener as there are fewer questions and health concerns about stevia than xylitol, but I get why it’s used in toothpaste since there’s research about it being good for teeth. (Note: Xylitol can be fatal to dogs and cats, quickly – so choose wisely if you have animal friends.)

RELATED: Gums with Xylitol.

Overall Impression:

For the ease of use once it’s out of the tube, the able-to-swallow thing (I honestly am in love with that feature), and the super safe ingredients and great taste, Earthpaste is the choice for our family. I’m looking forward to the new tubes though! Read more about what my family thinks of Earthpaste.

Tropical Traditions Tooth Cleaner

Ingredients: purified water, organic Virgin Coconut Oil, baking soda, xanthum gum, wildcrafted myrrh powder, stevia, organic essential oils of cinnamon and clove.
Price: $7.95 for 4 oz. (I always wait for free shipping)


  • Once again the ingredients rock out. No nasty stuff and really well-sourced components.
  • Tastes great
  • Mouth feels clean even though it doesn’t foam up
  • Coconut oil and the clove oil are both antibacterial, a great choice for toothpaste
  • I’m guessing I could swallow this one, too, which is cool


  • The big one with this toothpaste is that when the water hits the toothbrush, all the toothpaste tends to schwoop down the drain before you can say “ohnoiwassupposedtogetmytoothbrushwetfirst!!!” I’m not good at new habits like wetting the toothbrush, then applying the toothpaste, so I lost a lot of product this way.
  • In the winter when the temps are colder especially, the tooth cleaner can be hard to get out of the container.

Overall Impression:

I really wanted to love this toothpaste because I love the ingredients – and I do like the stevia better than the xylitol used in Earthpaste – but the fact that it can’t stay on the toothbrush puts it just slightly, by half a percent, behind Redmond’s product.

Tropical Traditions Tooth Cleaner would be a great choice for a natural toothpaste if you can remember to wet your toothbrush first.

Rose of Sharon Acres Tooth Chips

Ingredients: Saponified Extra Virgin Olive Oil, Saponified Coconut Oil, Saponified Organic Palm Oil, organic essential oils
Price: $14.35 for 4 oz. (but it would last longer than 4 oz. of a paste, I’m certain)

Pros:Tooth Chip Soap For Teeth Product Line Rose of Sharon Acres LLC

  • Takes up so little space – awesome for traveling!
  • No junky ingredients
  • Still foams like conventional toothpaste
  • Definitely feels clean, although a bit different sort of clean
  • No abrasives – easy on enamel and gums
  • Same toothpaste can be used for kids and adults
  • Some customers say it helps tooth sensitivity
  • I’m guessing this is more frugal, because you use SUCH a tiny piece, only about 2-4 mm, that the 4 oz. container would last a LONG time.


  • Have to change your routine – you use your fingers to put a little piece of tooth soap on your brush or in your teeth, then with a very wet brush, you brush as usual.
  • One extra step – you’re supposed to rinse three times after brushing
  • There is a hint of “soapy” flavor going on

Overall Impression:

I wish this was a little easier to use – I’m so lazy, rinsing 3 times and using my fingers (which should be clean but aren’t always, you know?) is an annoyance. However – if you’re looking for something without any abrasives, tooth soap is for you!

Tooth chips are also so close to Earthpaste and Tropical Traditions, it’s hard to even rank them. More info HERE. They also sell a powder, but I didn’t get to test that one out.

Tom’s of Maine Natural Fluoride Free

Ingredients: calcium carbonate, glycerin, water, xylitol, hydrated silica, zinc citrate trihydrate, sodium lauryl sulfate, peppermint oil, carrageenan, sodium bicarbonate
Price: Check pricing on Amazon; check your local retailers for sales


  • can be found in regular stores
  • no fluoride
  • foams and looks and acts like familiar toothpaste
  • no artificial sweeteners or dyes


  • Tom’s is barely different from conventional toothpaste – it still has ingredients I don’t recognize, although they’re not particularly harmful that I know of, except…
  • SLS – sodium lauryl sulfate is a foaming agent, but it’s not so good for humans or the earth.
  • It still has abrasives, glycerin…

Overall Impression:

For me, now that I’ve found other totally natural toothpastes I like, buying Tom’s seems like a joke – to spend so much more money than a regular national brand on sale with a coupon, and only be avoiding fluoride, basically.

However, if I had a family member who absolutely desired the foaming action and wouldn’t put up with tooth soap chips (my husband thought they were a huge pain), I might try to buy Tom’s.

Note: The kids’ Tom’s of Maine isn’t even always fluoride free! Don’t get tricked into thinking a certain brand is always better….

Miessence Toothpaste

Ingredients: aloe leaf juice, baking soda, Non-GMO xanthan gum, sea salt, organic essential oils, stevia
Price: $11.95 for 5.3 oz. (mint, lemon, or anise)


  • Tastes really good
  • Super safe ingredients; extremely conscientious company
  • Feels clean


  • High price
  • Has a tendency to fall off the toothbrush and shoot down the drain when getting the brush wet. Just wet the brush first
  • Baking soda consistency might be tough to love

Overall Impression:

This toothpaste was okay, but at the time (a few years back) I remember thinking that I didn’t love it and wouldn’t pay that much for toothpaste! All the natural toothpastes are pretty expensive, though, so maybe that’s a moot point. ???

Homemade Toothpaste?

I’m sure I should, but making my own toothpaste isn’t something I’ve done. Here are a few ideas if you’re interested in trying it – DIY is always the least expensive!

Check out the full list of natural personal products that we use or have used in the KS house and add your own in the comments!

What’s your favorite way to get those teeth clean?

Disclosure: I received samples of Earthpaste for free and work for Redmond Trading, but I really do think Earthpaste is the best of the natural brands. I also received Tooth chips for free but purchased the other brands in this review myself, although I think I won the Miessence tube in a giveaway at another blog. See my full disclosure statement here.

Unless otherwise credited, photos are owned by the author or used with a license from Canva or Deposit Photos.

62 thoughts on “Do you Have a Natural Toothpaste? {REVIEWS}”

  1. We use Dr. Sheffield’s natural toothpaste. No bad ingredients and we budget for it, since health is a priority.

    1. Katie Kimball

      I don’t see any ingredients I would run away from, no, but HUH aluminum [tube]! That’s interesting, b/c it doesn’t feel like a toothpaste tube can be recycled, and of course aluminum has the Alzheimer’s risk.

      1. From their website:
        All Dr. Sheffield’s Aluminum Toothpaste tubes are lined with a BPA free food grade liner that eliminates any chance of aluminum leaching in to our product; which enables us to meet our quality and sustainability goals.
        Our entire line is now being produced in recyclable packing, this includes an aluminum tube and plastic cap that are both fully-recyclable.

  2. Did you read the amazon review stating there is lead in this toothpaste? It says trace amounts, so probably OK. If you read the list of minerals in sea salt you would be surprised to see arsenic and lead

    1. Katie Kimball @ Kitchen Stewardship

      Yep, it’s kind of confusing Mary but I’m pretty confident that it’s ok –

      1. I just read this other lady’s site how ecover is bad. it really seems it is hard to tell who right??
        is her site.

        I have a list of things I use. I was wondering if these things are safe. I used to have Multiple chemical sensitivities, which was my motivation to use less toxic things

        here is the link to the items I use. I hope they are OK

        The rest of the site is geared toward the folks with chemical sensitivities.

        I added ecover because of your site.

        I am sorry if this the wrong place to post this

        1. Katie Kimball @ Kitchen Stewardship

          Well, phooey! I usually use Tropical Traditions brand dishwasher detergent now…hoping it’s cleaner I guess! No fair when ingredients can be smoke screens. 🙁 🙁

  3. Hi Katie,

    First, you make a complaint about paying so much more money for Toms of Maine, when you listed the price at $7.58 for 11 oz, which works out to be about $.69 per oz. Crest and Colgate, other “regular national brands,” are priced right at the same amount per oz. However you say nothing about the price after listing another brand to be $3.59 per oz. Wow that’s 5X more than other “regular national brands” and Toms. You also say, “don’t get tricked” after mentioning that the children toothpaste is not always fluoride free. After visiting the Toms of Maine toothpaste website, I was easily able to figure out that the ‘Children’s Fluoride’ paste had fluoride whereas the ‘Children’s Fluoride-Free’ did not. Toms also takes lengthy measures to make sure all of their ingredients are listed so there really should be no confusion. If you are not familiar with the ingredients it should be very simple to look them up.

    I have no connection to the company, I just stumbled upon this blog while doing my own research on natural paste. The way you present your review of Tom’s of Maine seems misguided. Although you may not prefer this paste, your review presents the facts in an unjustified manner.

    1. Katie Kimball @ Kitchen Stewardship

      Sorry it came across that way, Hailey – Tom’s is a price premium compared to a SALE on national brand toothpaste, and it’s just not much of a step up.

  4. I was using Tropical Traditions Mint flavor but after a few weeks developed brown spots on my teeth. My husband suggested I change my toothpaste and when I did the spots were gone within a week. I was so sad because I really liked the ingredients in the TT tooth cleaner. We are using Earthpaste now and I need to order more! Anyone have any ideas what caused the brown spots to develop?

    1. Katie Kimball @ Kitchen Stewardship

      That’s the process of making oil into soap, basically – I think treating with lye. Very common in soaps to list it this way. 🙂 Katie

  5. I’ve used ecodent, as someone mentioned above, and while it worked great, I didn’t like either its taste or the texture of using a powder. I also felt like I always wasted a lot getting it on my toothpaste…. I might be less picky now that I’m used to more natural toothpaste, though! I currently use coral white, whcih has two questionable ingredients: sorbitol and sodium cocoyl glutamate (makes me thing of msg), so I may be looking for a new one soon, but right now my family happily uses it!

    1. Lacey @ KV Organics

      I was just looking into sodium cocoyl glutamate when researching a line that swore up and down it was organic but has a bunch of synthetic chemicals in it. Sigh.

      Anyway, here’s a helpful write up I found from Stephanie at Bubble & Bee (she is very helpful)…

      And here is her input on sorbitol…

      Lacey 🙂

  6. we go to a very naturally-minded dentist who loves weston a. price and uses only safe practices. the hygienist told us to make sure we find a toothpaste that does NOT contain silica. she said that silica is very, very abrasive for our teeth (much more so than baking soda) and can wear away the enamel quickly and cause major sensitivity. she stated that when she encourages clients to switch to a silica-free toothpaste, their sensitivities go away almost immediately. she told us that we have to be very careful when looking for natural toothpastes, because almost all of them list silica as one of the first two ingredients!

    … just food for thought. 🙂

    1. Katie Kimball @ Kitchen Stewardship

      Now you have me wondering, if I completely cut Tom’s of Maine (the only one with silica in the list) if my tooth sensitivity would go away! For a while there I was only using Earthpaste no matter what bathroom I was in, but I ran out downstairs and went back to the tube of Tom’s that was in there. Hmmmm…good to know!! 🙂 Katie

  7. Hmmmm…we’ve been using Nature’s Gate, which I like and is free of fluoride, parabens, sulfates, and SLS…but it seems like many companies they’ve replaced one known-to-be-bad ingredient with one that’s not quite as recognizable. Instead of SLS, they have sodium lauroyl sarcosinate. I can pronounce it, but couldn’t tell you what it is or what it does…also contains calcium glycerophosphate, same story.

    I have a pretty good chemical background, so I know that one molecule can make a huge difference in terms of toxicity (methanol vs ethanol, anyone?), but it does seem that having a paste made of food is preferable to one made with isolated chemicals.

    I really want to try the Redmond Clay paste.

  8. I want to add that not all glycerin is bad. I personally hate it but only the petroleum based variety that makes me so sick from allergies. the other variety is vegetable based and a natural occurring ingredient when you combine oils into soap.

    I use desert essence ginger, which is sls and fluoride free there might be others but I already recycled the box. my husband uses Jason sea fresh which is also sls, fluoride and propylene glycol free. we use different varieties cuz mint flavor makes me feel ill because it reminds my body of all the years of being poisoned and being so sick Drs thought I had MS at 18-25.
    both have glycerin in them, but because of what they say they are free from, these are the trade terms for petroleum free.

    I’m considering trying the Redmond when my stash is used up, cuz I’m curious about claypaste.

    1. Katie Kimball @ Kitchen Stewardship

      That’s interesting; glycerin is something I didn’t know anything about! Was your “MS” because of petroleum or fluoride or something else in the environment?

      I love the cinnamon Earthpaste, which is nice if you can’t do mint…

      🙂 Katie

      1. Lacey @ KV Organics

        Yeah, vegetable glycerin is not necessarily bad in most personal care products (though most glycerin is not the vegetable kind so you have to ask if not specified), but apparently glycerin in toothpaste blocks mineral absorption for the teeth. Just learned about that recently myself, and still don’t know a ton of detail on it. Quite honestly, I guess I didn’t worry to much to look into in great detail since my toothpaste doesn’t have glycerin anyway. 🙂

        1. oh interesting about glycerin blocking absorption. i think that has given me a reaaon to eliminate it for my family. god has blessed me with amazing teeth wo they are still cavity free in my mid0s, butmy husband isnt so luck and the kidlet will need extra attention.

      2. My issues were from petroleum in products and food plus scholiosis. Once I eliminated as much as I could from items I used regularly, I got drastically better. I can only imagine what it does to people who aren’t as hyper sensitive to it as me.

        For my teeth, once I was clued in, I could tell that the toothpaste or foods had it in them. My teeth would react like most people with sensitive teeth when hot or cold items are introduced to the mouth. One bite and I know to throw that granola bar away without swallowing or breaking off the piece fully. It’s a nice reminder now, but when I didn’t get it, oye.

  9. great post!

    i started using Oralive before my last dental cleaning and this was the first time I didn’t have bleeding/pain during the cleaning.

  10. Thanks for the reviews! I am on a quest for new toothpaste since using up our stock of the old, pre-buyout Tom’s of Maine. Colgate has changed the recipe (it’s not my imagination; the ingredients list is now in a different order, indicating different proportions, and has some ingredients added and some taken away), AND they changed the tubes to VINYL which leaches endocrine disruptors, AND they no longer make my favorite flavor (ginger)!

    I am currently trying Desert Essence ginger flavor (it does have fluoride) which works fine and tastes acceptable, but it is SO natural-tasting that it slightly reminds me of dirt. :-p I’ll use it up but won’t buy it again.

    1. Katie Kimball @ Kitchen Stewardship

      Very interesting, both about the tubes and the ingredients! Hmmm…funny that Redmond Clay in Earthpaste IS dirt, yet it doesn’t taste like dirt. 😉 Katie

  11. Charles W. James

    Katie, thanks a lot for sharing the coupon with us.

    When you listed the “pros” I saw you complained about your memory. You’re not the only one who is complaining about his memory, or lack of it.

    If you want to improve it, it starts with a good diet and plenty of water! I have just released a Kindle book on the subject.

    Katie, if you don’t mind, I would like to share it with your readers. I have setup a page where I will be giving 7 copies for free every day until next Wednesday.

    Take care

  12. Lacey @ KV Organics

    Hey Katie. Well, you know my toothpaste of choice. Thanks for the link. ;o)

    When I first found them as a customer myself, I loved that Miessence had no nasties – and no glycerin.

    It’s a bit pricier, though the tube is quite large and it lasts me a very long time. Plus of course, virtually no one pays full retail for Miessence products since the company offers customers a free “Lifestyle Membership” for 20% off everything, all the time (there are qualifying order details of course, which I won’t bore people with here – if someone wants to know, they can contact me). That brings it down to $8.84 for over 5 oz, which in comparison to other truly natural toothpastes, price per ounce, is pretty good.

    And of course, you know I’m a huge supporter of any business that allows people to trade referral work for product so long as they train and support people properly and don’t pitch it as some hype fest – I think it’s a great option for folks who might not have the $ for the higher quality products, but who might have time to ‘spend’ for them. It’s certainly been a blessing in my household to have a whole budget line eliminated from our expenses.

    Lacey 🙂

  13. Hi Katie,

    You really have to try this “Tooth Powder” Recipe: It takes about 5 mins max to whip up in my mini food processor and I had all the ingredients on hand already except for the Cal/Mag powder, which I picked up for about $8. Because it is a powder, you don’t have to worry about it becoming hard because of coconut oil, etc. You just wet your toothbrush FIRST, LOL and dip it in and can tap off the excess. It also does look like dirt in the sink, but it tastes great and works really well. By the way, I use Stevia instead of Xylitol and also add an Ayurvedic Herb called Haritaki, because it is very astringent and healing for your gums. You can also add Neem.

    I tried Toothsoap, but thought it was really expensive for what it had in it.

    So…just go for it and make some Tooth Powder; just imagine, a whole new Blog could await you!

    Take care,


  14. Shakerag Susan

    Thanks for the reviews. I also like ToothSoap as well.
    But I rarely use toothpaste since I started using a Soladey toothbrush. They really do a good job cleaning your teeth. My hygenist thought it had been six months since my last cleaning, but it had been two years while I was using the Soladey. She was amazed!

  15. I am so excited about the coupon code for Redmond! I love using their clay and toothpaste, though the kids aren’t too keen on the peppermint flavor. They do like the wintergreen, so here’s to ordering more safe toothpaste kids enjoy!

  16. Jennifer miller

    As a veterinarian, I feel a responsibility to remind everyone that xylitol can be fatal to dogs and cats. And it doesn’t take much. Just wanted your readers to be aware in case anyone has a ‘counter-surfer’! Because I refu too have xylitol in my home, I make a toothpaste with baking soda, coconut oil and ‘oral defense’ from Supreme Nutrition (I often buy my coconut oil from them too!)
    I really enjoy your blog and it has helped me get on a more natural path for myself. I cook my own pet food and now do a better job taking care of me!

    1. Katie Kimball @ Kitchen Stewardship

      Thanks for the reminder! I knew that but forgot to include it; updated the post already with your note. Thanks! 🙂 Katie

  17. Monique (@MamaRvThereYet)

    I’ve used all of those listed. We’re using earthpaste right now. The only con for me is that it’s very watery so it falls off the toothbrush before I even start brushing.

    1. Katie Kimball @ Kitchen Stewardship

      How odd, since I found that Miessence and Trop Trad both did that but not so much the Earthpaste. ??? 🙂 Katie

      1. Monique (@MamaRvThereYet)

        Oh, wow that’s so interesting. We would just squeeze and water would come out first. Then the toothpaste would be runny. I would laugh because my 6 year old (me too, but I learned…) would then run the toothbrush under the water and the toothpaste would fall off. She would get frustrated because she would forget that it always does this…

  18. This comment may bother some people, but something else that now factors in for me is the choices companies make in who they support. I used to use Tom’s of Maine, but since I am pro-choice and they support anti-abortion companies I no longer buy their products. I hate to think that money I spend on products is partially being used to support a cause I don’t support personally. However, maybe stating this will make that a factor for people here to chose them for their toothpaste. I just think of additional factors in how we decide.

    1. Katie Kimball @ Kitchen Stewardship

      Very true, there are so, so many factors to consider to be a conscientious buyer. You’re right, that I would make the opposite supporting choice from you, but it’s interesting to know that nonetheless. Thanks for adding to the conversation! 🙂 Katie

  19. My whole family really likes the toothpaste I make from the bentonite clay toothpaste kit I get from Bulk Herb Store. ( ) We all think our teeth have never felt so clean nor looked as white!

    1. Katie Kimball @ Kitchen Stewardship

      A friend showed me that kit before, too – and of course making your own is always less expensive! 🙂 Katie

  20. Just a note, Tom’s sells a fluoride-free, sls-free toothpaste. I used to buy it though Vitacost, if I recall correctly.

    We have since switched to a homemade toothpaste. Baking soda, calcium-magnesium powder (to remineralize), sea salt, xylitol (you could use stevia), Dr. Bronner’s liquid castile soap (unscented), and spearmint essential oil, plus enough water to make it squeezable from a condiment bottle I got at my local health foods store.

    And finally, baking soda has an abrasivity of 4, sensitive teeth toothpastes start at 20, and regular toothpastes range from 30-150 or more. So baking soda is not actually very abrasive. You need to brush your teeth though, not your gums.

    1. Katie Kimball @ Kitchen Stewardship

      Ah, so you really do need to read ingredients carefully. I didn’t know they made an SLS-free version. Good to know about the abrasives! I didn’t even know there was a numeric chart for that!
      Thanks, Katie

    2. If you brush with baking soda and your gum starts to hurt (abrasive 4 ) and you brush with normal toothpaste and its abrasive 20 but do bot hurt your gum, its obvious it cant be more abrasive. Pretty logical and Common sense.

  21. Renee Harris

    I am hooked on Earthpaste now. I ran out and need to order more but I also have their clay powder, so maybe I should try making some for our family since there are hardly any ingredients and I LOVE their salt.

    By the way, Katie, I put a plastic condiment container in the shower with sunflower seed oil so I remember to oil pull while showering. If you get past the plastic (or find a more eco-friendly container to use that “squirts”), it’s a perfect way to get the oil pulling out of the way every morning. It doesn’t *have* to be coconut oil, according to Fife’s book, so choosing something you enjoy may be a nice way to build the habit… while bringing back memories of spitting sunflower seeds out the window on drives home from college 😉

    1. Katie Kimball @ Kitchen Stewardship

      So, uh…you shower every morning, huh? Before breakfast? That’s pretty cool…

      😉 Katie

  22. I like the Miessence, but am sensitive to the baking soda in it. I use a “made-up” recipe: 10 sprays of 3% food grade hydrogen peroxide and a good scoop of Bentonite clay from the Living Clay Co. I really like the results…whitened teeth along with the remineralizing effects.

    I don’t “spit and rinse”, but I do take a look and make sure I don’t have any on my teeth after my morning brush…at nite doesn’t matter!

  23. Katie, it helps to put a small container of coconut oil in the bathroom. I put the container in the shower while the water heats up, which melts the oil. Then I can use it for oil pulling while I shower, comb and dry my hair, get dressed, etc.

    1. Katie Kimball @ Kitchen Stewardship

      Ah, that comes back to getting the shower before breakfast. 😉 I am usually still in my PJs when Paul goes to the bus!! 😉 Katie

  24. After using the “toothpaste” from ToothSoap, I recently changed to the brushing blend from OraWellness and absolutely love it along with their Bass Brushes too! Its a different way of brushing but my teeth have never been more clean than they are now!

    1. Katie Kimball @ Kitchen Stewardship

      I’m looking into that one; tab open in my Firefox, we’ll see how long it takes me to get to it! 😉 Katie

  25. We just started visiting a holistic dental practice and they sell the Spry xylitol toothpaste, so that is what we have been using. The ingredients are better than Tom’s (no SLS) but still some things you might not like Ingredients:
    Aqua (Purified Water), Xylitol, Silica, Vegetable Glycerin, Sorbitol, Cellulose Gum, Sodium Methyl Cocoyl Taurate, Aloe Vera, Calcium Glycerophosphate, Natural Peppermint Flavor, Sodium Benzoate, Stevia, Titanium Dioxide, and Xanthan Gum.

    They also recommend oil pulling with coconut oil, which I haven’t gotten up the nerve to try yet, but I am planning to. Hard to get past putting a spoonful of oil in my mouth, for some reason.

    1. Katie Kimball @ Kitchen Stewardship

      I’ll agree, oil pulling is kind of weird and off-putting, but you can do it! It really did h elp my teeth sensitivity.
      🙂 Katie

    1. Katie Kimball @ Kitchen Stewardship

      Good question, I forgot to ask! For now, I’d say “a while”…but I’ll get back to you if I can.
      🙂 Katie

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