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How to Sprout Whole Grains and Make Sprouted Flour in Bulk

Want to learn how to sprout wheat and then make sprouted flour for bread? Sprouting grains for flour is doable with these tips on how to sprout grains! 

Kimarie of Cardamom’s Pod, mom of nine saves time and money sprouting own flour and baking bread,  joins us today with an amazing sprouted flour tutorial. My grandmother was a mother of nine who baked all her own bread (white flour, certainly, but made with love). I truly honor women like Kimarie and my Busia who are open to life and joyfully raise large families while nourishing their bodies with real food.

Plus, I’m really thankful for this guest post because I was supposed to soak some whole grains yesterday for sprouted flour, but I forgot. Here’s Kimarie:

Using a dehydrator, you can soak and sprout whole wheat berries, dehydrate them, then grind into sprouted flour.

How to Sprout Grains

It all started a few weeks ago when I commented on her post that explored the debate about soaking grains. I made a friendly comment that although our family enjoys soaking some of our grains/flour – that I had decided to make my own sprouted flour to reduce the phytic acid in whole grains. To give a little history, and in the style of one of Katie’s posts 🙂 I thought I’d include a portion of our conversation that took place in the comments. Katie asked me a few questions, and I’m sure she had no way of knowing what she had started. A post that had been milling around in my head for a while about how I sprout large amounts of grain came to the forefront. I replied with what is probably my longest comment ever!

I can dry 3 gallons worth of sprouted grain in my 9-tray Excalibur dehydrator in about 12 hours or less. According to my dehydrator book, which is 10 years old, it costs 3 cents per hour to operate. Let’s just double that for today’s costs – at 6 cents per hour, that’s 72 cents for 3 gallons of dried sprouted grain. (I won’t even get into how I can either grind that into flour, OR roll it to make a very yummy cereal that my children like better than soaked rolled oats…)


I also make my own buttermilk, kefir, and yogurt from raw milk, so I’m already saving money on that as well. I even drain yogurt regularly to make yogurt cheese, and get the whey to use for soaking – so I get double the value for that.

For me, there’s also the “mental savings” of not always having to think 24 hours ahead of time. When I want to bake with my children, we don’t want to wait 24 hours – we want to mix, bake and eat right away! :-) There’s also the fact of not thinking about making sure I have all the soaking mediums on hand AND soak the grain 24-hours ahead of time.

We still soak a good many things, and enjoy some things soaked and others made with sprouted flour. I’ve recently acquired the Sue Gregg cookbook set, and am enjoying learning about using the blender to grind grain directly into the liquid ingredients and letting things soak in the blender.

Does this make sense? As I understand it, we have a choice between sprouting the grain or soaking the freshly ground flour for better assimilation. For me, it’s not about whether or not the soaking works, it’s about what works best for my family the majority of the time. No matter what method I use, I am no longer feeding my family unsoaked or unsprouted grain – we don’t like the results. :-) – Kimarie

I was completely stunned by her response:

Oh, my goodness, you should definitely do a tutorial on all that! I could learn a lot – and I really connect with you on the “mental savings” – baking when you want to bake. I am sometimes frustrated by the wait period with soaking.


I’d love to use your sprouting grains post as a guest post here, so be in touch (seriously!) when it’s finished!

Thank you!!

Obviously, we’ve been in touch… 🙂

How to sprout whole grains and make sprouted flour

How to Sprout Wheat

I would like to show you how I soak, sprout, and dry a batch of soft wheat berries – enough to fill a 9-tray Excalibur dehydrator. (Ahem, Katie here, taking notes. This is exactly what I’m going to do this week!) It’s really easy! I began doing such a large batch using gallon jars because it took me a lot of time to rinse 6-8 quart jars a couple times a day.

Sprouting Wheat Berries for Flour

Supplies needed:

Making Sprouted Wheat


Measure 6 cups of soft wheat berries into each 1 gallon glass jar. You’ll want to fill the jar about 1/4 or 1/3 of the way with grains, depending on what grain you are using. My goal is to have the jar completely full of sprouts, because I know that’s the maximum amount my dehydrator can handle – 3 gallons of sprouts. In these pictures I’m using old one-gallon pickle jars. You can use a canning funnel if you want to pour the grains in, but I usually just make a “funnel” with my hands to get the grain into the jar.

pouring wheat to sprout for flour

Fill each jar with cool water and let the grains soak for 8-12 hours. You can do this overnight, but I start my grains soaking in the morning, and I’ll explain why later. The picture below shows the grains after they were soaking for a few hours – they’ve already begun to increase in size.

sprouting grains for flour after 10 hours

Here are the grains after about 10 hours of soaking. I’ve accidentally soaked them for as long as 18 hours and everything has still turned out ok. Remember, soak times for different grains vary. Time to get ready for draining and rinsing them.

sprouting wheat for flour after 18 hours

I like to use plastic window screen to cover the jars – it allows for air circulation and fast draining. You could use an open-weave cloth but I have found that doesn’t let enough air get into the jar. (Note from Katie: tulle or even small-weave onion bags are great repurposed for this!) I used a medium dinner plate as a template to make a circle of screen – this one measures about 10 inches across. It’s a little large for these particular jars, but I have other jars with wider openings, so this size is multi-purpose for me. Get some strong rubber bands – I save the ones from broccoli or other veggies and try to hide them from the children! 🙂 Place the screen on the jar and secure it with the rubber band. If you are using smaller canning jars (quart or half-gallon sizes, regular or wide-mouth) you can use just the canning ring to hold the screen securely on the jar.

making a mesh lid for sprouted wheat

To drain the grains after they have been soaked, I like to rinse and drain them again before sprouting. To rinse, I nearly fill the container with water, and then place my hand over the screen, turn the jar on its side, and swish the grains gently back and forth a bit to rinse them well. You’ll come up with your own technique that works.

draining and rinsing water for sprouted wheat

To drain, I get the grains “leveled out” while the jar is sideways, then remove my hand from the screen and let the water gently flow out of the jar. I prefer not to put the jar all the way upside down, because I want the grains to have air circulation around them while they are sprouting. This prevents them souring.

draining sprouted wheat for flour

Now you want to put the jars somewhere where they can continue to drain as they begin to sprout. For these jars, a 9×13 glass pan works perfectly. Be creative, and find what works for you. You’ll want to rinse the grains thoroughly about 2-4 times a day. Usually I will remember to rinse after each meal, and before bed.

draining sprouted grains for flour

How Long Does It Take to Sprout Wheat?

These particular berries I’ve been using start to show sprouts pretty quickly. When I drain the grains and set them sprouting before I go to bed, this is what I see in the morning, and it moves pretty quickly from there. This is why you don’t want it to be at this stage before you go to bed. You can wake up to pretty long sprouts!

According to Nourishing Traditions, you should sprout wheat berries until the sprout is as long as the grain – so that’s no more than 1/4 inch or so. Then I read in Sue Gregg’s Whole Grain Baking that for making sprouted flour, you can dry the grains when the sprouts are just showing at 1/8 inch or so. I’ve dried longer-sprouted grains before, and I just prefer my grains here. Recently I did a batch of Kamut and the sprouts got about 1/4 -1/2 inch long. I still dried them and they were delicious – actually almost sweet. There was just a lot of dried “tails” and fuzz all over the dehydrator and counters when it was done.

Here are the sprouts when I like to dry them – just when you start to see a little three-pronged sprout. This is nearly 24 hours since I drained them the previous night – I told you this soft wheat is fast! Remember that with different grains the time to sprout will be different. You can see the sprouts have nearly filled the jar, they expand a little bit more while they are sprouting. Sometimes I rinse them one last time, other times I don’t. Put them in a colander, or turn the jar upside down to get them drained really well.

sprouted wheat grain

(Of course, if you want, you can simply put the grains in the fridge at this point, and use them in bread or cook them in a casserole. My children like to snack a bit at this point and have “wheat chewing gum” – they’ll take a spoonful of grains and chew them until they get a teeny tiny bit of rubbery gluten. But that is for a different post…)

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That’s why we took the best 10 rookie “Monday Missions” that used to post once a week and got them all spruced up to send to your inbox – once a week on Mondays, so you can learn to be a kitchen steward one baby step at a time, in a doable sequence.

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How to Dehydrate Wheat Berries

Prepare the dehydrator trays for drying the grain by cutting more screen mesh to fit over the larger-holed plastic mesh (use the white dehydrator mesh as your template). I’ve dried grain without using the window screen, but some grains do fall through as they shrink. By using the window screen, you’re prepared for any size grain you’ll be sprouting.

dehydrator mesh for wheat berries

Here are all nine trays with their piles of grain ready to be spread out. One gallon of sprouts is divided to fill 3 trays.

trays of wheat berries for dehydrator

I think it’s neat that I have as many children as I have dehydrator trays! So when the time comes to spread out the grain, it goes really quickly for me with all the helpers – a few are below. Just make sure it’s spread out as evenly as possible.

children helping spread wheat berries on dehydrator mesh

Here the sprouts are all ready to go into the dehydrator!

wheat berries spread out on dehydrator mesh

Here is a “before” picture that shows the sprouted grain in its “plump” state:

sprouted wheat berries on dehydrator mesh before being dehydrated

Load the trays into the dehydrator, and set the temp to 145º F. I dry the grain for 12-24 hours, depending on the type of grain and the humidity level in my house. With my method, I usually start the grain drying at night before I go to bed, setting the timer for 24 hours. (In my comment earlier, when I said 12 hours or less, I realized it seemed less because the bulk of the drying is going on while I am sleeping.) In the morning I check the sprouts and adjust the timer based on how they are doing. Sprouted buckwheat dries very quickly, while sprouted Kamut takes longer than the soft wheat. Another thing to think of is to put your dehydrator in a room that you don’t mind getting a little warm, and you’ll want to consider the noise. The Excalibur is very quiet in my opinion, but everyone has different tolerances of “white” noise. I keep my dehydrator on top of my dryer in the laundry room, where it blends in with the other noises.

If you don’t have a dehydrator, you can try drying the grains in your oven, but the temperature should not go about 150º F to avoid killing all the enzymes you helped to develop! I’ve used my propane oven with the door slightly ajar, but that heats up the kitchen. Of course, if you have a convection oven, check to see if it has a dehydrator setting. A friend of mine uses her car as a dehydrator – she puts things in there on the sunny dash and cracks the windows open. I think this could even be improved by putting a small fan in there to circulate more air. Be sure to do this if the air outside is not too humid, otherwise the car method won’t work!

When you think the grains are done, test them by simply chewing or chopping up a few to see if they are as crunchy as a regular unsprouted grain. Here is what the grains look like afterwards – much like the original grain and almost the same size, except a little shriveled with varying lengths of tiny dried “tails”. You want to make sure they are very dry, especially for the sake of your grain mill if you plan to grind these into flour.

dehydrated wheat berries

When I take the trays out of the dehydrator, it’s very easy to just stack them on top of each other while they’re full of grain. It saves time going back and forth to the dehydrator and emptying the trays one by one.

dehydrated sprouted wheat berries on trays

I usually have my children help me store the grain, but in this picture I show you how one person can do this. To get the grain off the dehydrator trays, gently move it into a pile in the center. Lift up both sides of the mesh, making a handy chute to pour it into whatever storage container you are using. In these pictures, I’m using a 2-gallon ziploc bag – it’s much easier with a rigid container! It takes only a little bit of practice to not spill grains while you’re doing this.

pouring dehydrated sprouted wheat berries into bags

How to Make Sprouted Wheat Flour

In my house, 18 cups of wheat berries is “only” enough to make one 5-6 loaf batch of bread, which doesn’t last long! So I usually just store the sprouted dried grain in ziploc bags on my pantry shelf. It’s usually not there longer than a week! For longer storage, you can put them in a refrigerator or freezer in appropriate containers. A friend has offered me the use of her vacuum sealer, so I may try that and see how long the whole dried sprouted grain lasts unrefrigerated. You can also roll/flake/crack the grain, or simply grind it into flour.

sprouted wheat flour

Voila! You now have sprouted flour readily available to use in any of your recipes without soaking for 24 hours. It is absolutely delicious. Thanks to my gallon jars and my Excalibur dehydrator, I think I may actually be able to get to the point where I never run out of sprouted whole grain flour!

If there is anything that was not clear, please do not hesitate to ask. If you have a particular sprouted grain that you love, or a favorite recipe, I’m all ears. Once again, thank you, Katie, for inviting me to be a part of your excellent website!

This is Katie, in awe. That’s good stuff. Please visit Cardamom’s Pod for more teaching tutorials, including how to roast your own coffee beans.

More On Sprouting

  • Why Sprout Grains?
  • How to Sprout other Things
  • Sprouting is nifty for breads, but even MORE nifty for things that can’t be soaked, like cookies and some bars, and even muffins are better not soaked.
  • You can win an Excalibur dehydrator HERE on Thursday!!
  • AND you’ll get a chance to win a Nutrimill (use code KS20 for $20 off!) grain mill this fall!
  • Watch for more dehydrator how-to posts all week and into the next, including an update on crispy nuts with some almond pasteurization information.
Will you sprout wheat for flour?
Unless otherwise credited, photos are owned by the author or used with a license from Canva or Deposit Photos.

133 thoughts on “How to Sprout Whole Grains and Make Sprouted Flour in Bulk”

  1. Pingback: Fermented Foods – Why They’re So Important For Your Health | Walk by the Way

  2. Hello,

    I wanted to know how much flour does this make end result, how many cups or pounds? also where would i find the berries and about how much should they be costing me? thank you!

  3. Hi!
    So, you recommend a Nutrimill for sprouted grain grinding? I’m in the market for a mill and am unsure which one to buy. 🙂

    1. Katie Kimball @ Kitchen Stewardship

      I’ve never tried anything else myself, but a Nutrimill manages. It has to work hard and sounds like it is hurting, though! 😉 Katie

  4. THANK YOU so much for this post!!! This is EXACTLY what I was looking for! I was ready to take the plunge into sprouting, but wasn’t sure where to begin. I already have the 9 try excalibur dehydrator, so now I just need to get the screens and the gallon jars! I am SO excited to give this a try! YIPEE!!! Thanks for the step-by-step pictures, that makes it so much simpler to follow!

  5. Kris Johnson

    I have found a new favorite place to learn some new things. I am a from scratch cook and love all of your posts on sprouted grains. I have not done it myself but have learned so much from this blog that I am ready to give a try.
    Thank you for the great information.

  6. Hi all, I guess I am a sprouting traditionalist. Sprout the grains and beans to their sweetest, grind add salt or whatever you like and cook. Baked at 350 degrees, my mini loves come out delicious, I killed the enzymes however. Same batch dehydrated “cooked” in a dehydrater below 130 degrees has active enzymes in them. You know it realy depends on how badly your digestive tract needs the enzymes. Sprouting grains uses the starches to grow the shoots you see on the sprouted berries. You than don’t have to digest the starches which take a lot of horse power to break down in your body. I like to make my own, as there are many advantages to learning and knowing how to work with sprouts, especially grain sprouts. Taste the sprouts every time you rinse them so you learn to recognise when they are done. You might even sprout a small batch TOO LONG, (1 or 3 days longer than you usually do) just to taste what happens to the flavor. Keep experimenting your increase in knowledge will bless your family
    Cheers Olav

    1. Hi, Olav! Thanks for the comment. How do you make bread just grinding the wheat berries first? Dried or wet? Do you have a recipe you can share? Thanks!

      1. Just finished a batch. 1/3 gallon of dry wheat berries and 1/2 cup lentils. These sprouted for 3 days, so that is 12 hours under water to start and rinsed and drained +/-every 12 hours. By that time the sprouts can, depending on room temp, be 1/2 to 1 inch long. Also increased in volume quite a bit. From these ingredients, I grind the berries wet in a powered meat grinder, smallest holes you can find on the mesh in front of the cutter. Than in a second container grind the lentals or beans. I like to make 1 batch carbs only, my wife and I don’t crave the pasteries at the coffie shop anymore! So about 1/2 the berries get raisins, salt,cinnamon, than mixed in a bread mixer, scouped out into mini-loaf 2X3 pans, 8 to a pan. The sugar in the dough makes a rich brown crust. Bake at 350 degrees till sides are brown. Make sure when you put the dough in the pans that you push the dough down along the sides as they will stick really well to your pans. Oil the pans or for richer loaves, ad the oil to the dough when you mix it.
        Take the 2nd 1/2 of the dough add the beans, salt, mix, put in pans bake at 350, take out when golden,I like really golden. Let completely cool off. These mini loaves can be kept in a sealed container not in the refrigerator for about 2 or 3 days. I have had it that they were mouldy after 3 days in the summer. This probably won’ work for most of your readers but they tasted fine and did not make me sick when I ate them anyway. If you are concerned about mould let the cakes cool off and when cold put them in a sealed container or small containers in the freezer, they thaw really well, If you like to make a larger batch that is.
        I did ramball (sp)a bit, I hope that could be followed
        Cheers Olav

        1. Katie Kimball @ Kitchen Stewardship

          Thank you so much for sharing this info! Def. something I need to try someday… 🙂 Katie

  7. Thanks for your reply! I second Stacey’s question about dehydrating in a 170 degree oven. It seems I read somewhere that it was about 3 hours, but it would kill the enzymes. Not really an issue for me since I’ll be using it to make bread, but if it were to eat straight or in salads, etc. I don’t think it would work. I’ve been trying to convince my husband we “need” a dehydrator, but the stainless steel one I want is pricey ($370), so he’s not convinced yet. 😉 Also, I posted a question above re: the difference between sprouted floor and diastatic malt. Any input? Thanks again for your help!

    1. I know that this is after the fact .But i just realized i have a Dehydrate setting on my oven? Wonder if more of us have and do not noticed ? Temp is 100* to 170*

      1. That’s handy! I don’t have that function on mine, sadly. I did finally get a dehydrator, but I don’t use it as much as I thought I would. I should probably start using it more now that the weather is getting cold. 😀

  8. I have sprouted my Kamut and want to place it in my oven to dry. My oven only goes down to 170. How long do I need to keep it in the oven, with the door slightly opened? Also, how thick can the wheat be on the tray for it to dry completely?

    1. Kimarie @ The Cardamom's Pod

      When I’ve had to dry grains in the oven I’ve found that 1/2 inch thick works well so that don’t have to stir. Thicker than that, and you’ll have to stir every so often. Hope that helps!

      1. Kimarie @ The Cardamom's Pod

        Oops, I realize I forgot a question. I would guess at about 8 hours…but the best thing would be for you to dry them on a day when you can babysit them and check on them, noting how thick they were spread, and taking notes on the time. Then perhaps another time you could dry them overnight. It’s not an exact science – just try it! 🙂

  9. Hi! I realize that this post is a couple of years old now, but I just came across it today. It’s very interesting, so thank you so much for your post! I was just curious about the type of flour that soft sprouted wheat berries create? I was reading that soft wheat berries create pastry flour typically, and I was wondering if you would have to sprout hard wheat berries in order to make bread flour, or since the grain is sprouted if it makes it suitable for making bread with soft wheat berries? I was also curious what the ratio you need to use for baking is; wondering if it’s a 1:1 of regular bread flour or all purpose flour or if it’s advisable to add vital wheat gluten for making bread? Thanks so much!

    1. Katie Kimball @ Kitchen Stewardship

      Yes, soft wheat makes pastry flour, hard red (or white) wheat makes traditional whole wheat flour. Bread flour is refined. You’ll find that sprouted flour acts a bit differently no matter what kind of berries you start with, so I’d recommend finding a recipe that someone else has used with success with sprouted flour, then see about trying in your own. 1:1, generally, is correct though. I wouldn’t add gluten…but my husband has a gluten sensitivity, so it kind of freaks me out! I’d advise to find a recipe that rises well without gluten- eggs are a great way to add fluffiness and rise to whole wheat bread. I have this recipe ready to go in the oven right now:

      Good luck!
      🙂 Katie

  10. So do I have this right…
    Sprouted and dried wheat, rye, spelt (or whatever berries) will not go through the Nutrimill??
    Second Kimmarie sprouts the above mentioned berries and just uses them whole un breads and what not?

    1. Katie Kimball @ Kitchen Stewardship

      Hi Katy!
      Sorry I took so long to answer; Labor Day and school starting bogged me down.

      Actually, you don’t have it right – you can grind sprouted berries into flour, it’s just that your Nutrimill will sound like it’s dying. You’re not killing it…well, you might kill it, I suppose, but in general they’ll get through, just treacherously. Kimarie makes sprouted flour regularly. 🙂 Katie

  11. Pingback: Soaked, Sprouted, or Soured: The Healthy Way to Treat Your Grains | Nourishing Joy

  12. Hi,
    I would like to soak grains but unfortunately I do not have a food dehydrator to dry the grains so my only options are buy sprouted flour or regular flour and soak it myself.
    Thank you.

    1. Alina,

      I do not have a food dehydrator either, but I do have a toaster oven that will allow me to keep the temperature at 150 degrees Farenheit. It has two racks and you can put your sprouted grains on mini cookie sheets, and then dry them for about 10 hours. I hope this helps! 🙂

      1. Hi,
        I do not have a toaster oven either but I think that it is OK to soak/sprout flour isn’t it?
        Thank you.

        1. You can find toaster ovens at the Goodwill for super cheap. The Goodwill stores in my area near have half off sales for everything in the entire store every other Saturday. Most of the toaster ovens still work they just need to be cleaned up. Here is the link to their store locator

          As for the flour…You can’t really sprout it. You can soak it, and when you do, you should add a little bit of acid (lemon juice or vinegar).

          I hope this helps!

    1. When you add water to flour you get a dough. Leave it and it turns sour. Whole grains are mini capsuls for growing a plant, enzymes and growth take place. soak grains rinse them grow to right level, dry, grind into flour. You know where the grains come from, not the flour. I rambled, I hope that was usefull

  13. hi Sarah,
    The answer to your 2 cup question has to be just a little bit more than 2 cups. Don’t forget we are adding water to the whole grain, growing the grain, draining the water, drying the water out of the new grown grain, than grinding the dry sprout into flour. We do have to plan ahead, so maybe plan for whatever you need in a week and grow the sprouts for that volume. The best way is to try one batch of 2 cups of grain,soak it, sprout it, dry it, grind it, an see what you have.

  14. I’m new to sprouting grains and came across this blog post in a google search. The biggest question that I have is how much whole grain will yield a cup of flour? For instance, if I have a bread recipe that calls for 2 cups of flour, how much whole grain do I need to start with if I’m going to grind it into flour? It seems like I would need a lot, right?

    Thanks for a VERY informative post! This will help me a lot as I get started!


    1. Katie Kimball @ Kitchen Stewardship

      Olav is probably on the right track – it will be around 2 cups, likely. Usually grinding grain results in more flour than grain, but I don’t know the conversion amounts for wheat (for corn, for example, 1 c. popcorn = 1 1/3 c. cornmeal, I believe). So ultimately, you’ll probably need slightly less than 2 cups. BUT you wouldn’t want to go through all this work for one recipe – sprout and dry extra and store it before grinding for sure. Good luck! 🙂 Katie

  15. Shannon,
    I believe that millet has an inedible hull like rice, barley and buckwheat. Have you seen the millet at the bird store, where you buy bird seed?? That is millet. Whole millet is hulled and it is still called whole millet, it is not refined in any way other than the removal of the inedible husk.
    It is such a neat surprise to me that hulled barley,rice,millet still sprouts.

      1. How much time between rinsing? Yeast is a by product of fermentation. If the response of the grain is to produce a noticeable smell rinse more often, each batch is different. Do you know where the grain came from, what type of fertilizer the farmer used, was the grain harvested too moist, than dried, etc. All these things and more contribute to the BATCH of whole grain you are using. year by year you have a little different batch, therefore a slightly different method, use your nose, rinse more often some times and not other times

  16. Hi,

    I have just adventured into sprouting grains, and I have a question. When I sprouted my brown rice I soaked it in water and a lemon juice (per directions on the Weston A. Price website). It had a slightly sweet nutty smell when I rinsed it. I tried soaking some Millet yesterday for 8 hours and then I realized I forgot my acid. I drained the water from my jar of soaking Millet and refilled it with fresh water and a bit of acid (a small amount of Bragg’s Apple Cider Vingear) and let it soak overnight. This morning I went to drain it and it smells slightly yeasty. Is this normal or did I over soak the batch and accidentally let it spoil?

    1. Katie Kimball @ Kitchen Stewardship

      I’m too late for your millet, but hopefully you didn’t throw it out. Sometimes soaked things do get a little ferment-y, but if it doesn’t smell bad, it should be alright. Trust your nose.

      To sprout, you don’t need an acid though – that’s just for soaking, and then only sometimes.

      Try this for rice:

      And this for sprouting:

      Good luck learning! 🙂 Katie

      1. Katie,

        Thanks for your help! Unfortunately, I did throw out the millet. Even though the package from Arrowhead Mills said “Whole Millet” on the front, the ingredients said “Hulled Millet”. Sheesh! I felt that was a little misleading and I made sure to call the company and express my dissatisfaction with their product. It is rare that I don’t read the ingredients, but the millet was in clear plastic packaging and it “looked” whole. In my troubleshooting efforts I also called To Your Health Sprouted Flour Co. ( and talked to the owner, Peggy. Peggy told me that she only adds acid when soaking if it is for already ground flour. Otherwise, when she soaks her grains, she just uses pure water.

        1. Katie Kimball @ Kitchen Stewardship

          I think Olav is right in this comment:

          Your millet was surely whole grain millet. 🙁


  17. I appologise, I was a little off. The outer contruction and tray frames are made from polycarbonate, but the screens are a different material.
    “We use polycarbonate as the Case material because it is virtually indestructible however; we use polypropylene #5 for the parts that your food sets on because it is the safest plastics for food contact available. ”
    From what I can see, polycarbonate does release BPAs….hmmm…
    I am still new to the dehydrating buisness…lol. Would it be possible to line trays with just some natural fiber fabric do you think? 🙂

    1. Katie Kimball @ Kitchen Stewardship

      Hmmm, I didn’t realize the black part of the tray was BPA containing. That really bums me out, because it’s awfully close to the food! You can absolutely use something on top of the netting part; I use unbleached parchment paper for fruit rolls and beef jerky. i don’t see why fabric wouldn’t be a great option. 🙂 katie

      1. Use hemp cloth, it is naturally disinfecting. Hemp bags are used to sprout with out using jars. Google sprouting hemp bags, you can also buy the cloth by the yard. Linen can also used but needs to be boiled to disinfect between batches.

  18. Hi there,
    Thank you so much for sharing this great resource! I have my first batch of wheat berries on the way to me as I write, and I can’t wait. I do have a question for ya though. What kind of screen material do you use for on the dehydrator trays? I went to the hardware store, and found some plastic window screening, but I was concerned by the materials? They were either made of fiberglass (yikes), aluminum (YIKES), or polycarbonate. Now polycarbonate IS what the excallibur uses for its original mesh, but that is proclaimed as food grade. So my question is this: have you any concerns of the material of the netting? Do you think it is an issue? Or not as much because the machine stays at relatively low (not hot anyway) temperatures? Just thought I’d pick your brain! lol thanks 🙂

  19. Pingback: Raw Buckwheat Apple Cranberry Granola | Roots of Healthy Living

  20. Pingback: Top 10 Reasons to Eat Grains | The Liberated Kitchen, LLC

  21. I have been making bread sense 1972, been growing and grinding my own wheat for the last several years too, but I am new to the sprouting idea. I have just put the sprouted hard red wheat berries in my food dryer, and the soft white wheat berries are taking a little longer to sprout but will follow shortly. I am planning on mixing the two flours and making bread with the same recipes I have been enjoying up to now, please let me know if I am making a mistake here. I’ve read all the posts above, but am a little confused about when you can, and can not use which flours.

    1. Charlotte,
      Oh, my, so sorry that your comment got buried for a week! Many recipes work with sprouted or regular grains, but it’s just a trial and error. I hope your favorites all work out! I think might have some commentary on translating recipes – you may add or subtract 1/4 cup sprouted flour, but I can’t remember which direction! 🙂 Katie

      1. Thank you for your reply. I went ahead and made bread using the two sprouted wheat flours I mentioned above, using about 50% this flour mixture with 50% all purpose flour, and the bread came out wonderful, so I will be making bread again in a few days with a higher percentage of the sprouted wheat flour. I will let you know later how it comes out and share the wonderful honey whole wheat bread recipe I’ve been using, it is the best recipe I’ve found.

  22. Pingback: The sprouting process (UPDATED) « Sprout Out Loud

  23. hi dear katie
    I prepared some sprout for making sprout flour but i do not how height of sprout is better and how you make it flour.blender is ok?what we use for dring them?


    1. Hamideh,
      You really need a dehydrator and grain mill (a regular blender just won’t do it) for sprouted flour. Good luck! 🙂 Katie

  24. Hello! I just got a new Nutrimill, and was reading the directions. It says specifically in it NOT to grind sprouted grains in it. Is this referring to un-dried sprouted grains? If I’ve dried them in my dehydrator, are they ok?

    1. Funny you mention this-I asked about my nutrimill above as the grain was grinding sloooowly. I put it back in the dehydrator, but now it won’t go through at all! I need to dump it & send some regular wheat through and see what happens… PS congrats on your new mill! Welcome to the club. 🙂

      1. Lenetta,
        I was grinding some sprouted grain this weekend and holy cow – I thought my Nutrimill had died. It took for. ev. er. Whoa. Luckily I remembered your plight, and I tried regular grain too. I think it works normally (relief!) so I guess sprouted grain is just a bear. Maybe a manual mill would do differently…
        🙂 Katie

    2. Oh. Hmmmm….I should probably read those directions! I’ve done it, but it’s SLOW. ??? Can the shop you bought it from give you direction? 🙂 Katie

  25. Pamela Palmer

    Awesome and informative post! And I love the pictures…I am a “visual” learner, so it really helps to see what you do too. Also, it’s great to see your kids helping! 🙂

  26. Michaeleen Hinca

    I LOVED this post. Some of the sprouted flour companies are very scientific about their soaking/sprouting techniques. I started soaking/sprouting for my own family using these SAME processes and now continue with very few minor adjustments (thanks to licensing)! Simple really can be best, IMHO!

    1. Michaeleen Hinca from JoshEWEa's Garden

      Thought I should include our name…just in case you don’t have time to soak/sprout on your own this week 🙂

  27. Pingback: Breakfast Recipes and Tips | The Cardamom's Pod

  28. Pingback: Not Me Monday - In Pictures | The Cardamom's Pod

  29. Pingback: The Cardamom's Pod » Blog Archive » Sprouting Grains For a Large Family

  30. Ok, I started a batch to sprout 2 days ago. (before i found your article…ugh) now, i just rinsed them again (hard wheat berries) and now i smell a slight sourness. Is this batch ruined? I am thinking i didnt let it have enough air.

    1. Betheny,
      I hope I’m not too late to help, but I wouldn’t toss them out myself unless I saw mold. ?? I can pack them in a colander pretty deeply.
      🙂 Katie

    2. Hi, Betheny – I agree with Katie. Rinse them well, and I want to ask if you can see any sprouts at all? If you can’t the wheat may be very old. Last year I had some Y2K wheat that I tried and tried to sprout… After 3 days no sprouts were showing and I tossed the grains out; they soured even though I was rinsing them. When I sprouted my recently purchased wheat and the sprouts began to appear in under 24 hours, I knew the problem was the old wheat. After that, I began to sprout only a quart jar’s worth of grain to see if it was old or not. Yes, it took me 12 years to toss out some of our Y2K grain supplies :-/

      1. Sorry to add to the discussion so late, but in my experience if the wheat is “preserved” with anything, like an oxygen packet or packed in nitrogen I have a hard time getting it to sprout. I sprouted my grandmothers 30 year old what that had been stored in a bucket with no problems. So old is not the only issue, I think storage plays a bigger role.

        1. Kimarie @ The Cardamom's Pod

          Heidi – that’s an excellent, and very interesting, point! To store our Y2K wheat, we put a food-safe plastic liner in the 5 gallon buckets, and poured the wheat into the bag. We tossed in 2 oxygen absorber packets, sealed the bag, then put two dessicant packets in the bucket, and pounded the lid down. I didn’t know anything about sprouting wheat back then – we just ground it and used it in baking. Thanks!

          1. I am loving this topic and all the comments! We still have some Y2K stuff around, too : / I have noticed that it doesn’t sprout very well — are there any other options besides throwing it out? What about drying it out and soaking it?? I know – sounds like a lot of work for old grain but I hate to throw it away if it can be salvaged.

            1. Kimarie @ The Cardamom's Pod

              Elaine – I think you’re right – simply grind the grain and soak it and it should be fine to eat. If not, perhaps someone with chickens or pigs could use it. I’m also willing to go through extra effort so as not to waste food. 🙂

  31. Lenetta @ Nettacow

    Katie, I hate to say it, but this post and the soaking oats post *might* have replaced the “what’s under my sink post” as my favorites! :>) (And I thought it couldn’t be done…)

    I just dug my gallon jar out of storage, and made a mental note to ask my MIL because I *know* she has some in the basement. She has everything down there, I swear.

    The comments on this are so awesome, too – what a wonderful discussion!

    I linked to this on my weekly roundup, and I’ll likely post once I try it, too. Thanks again, Katie and Kimarie!
    .-= Lenetta @ Nettacow´s last blog ..Daybook for June 25, 2010 =-.

    1. Lenetta @ Nettacow

      I have a question on this… How do you know the grains are done soaking and ready to start sprouting? (i.e. what are you looking for as the signal to drain and let them sit?) I used hard white wheat fresh from our field and they never did expand more than about 2/3 of the jar. I saw some sprouts forming while I was soaking – I don’t remember how long they were swimming – and that’s when I drained. Regardless, I was pleased with the results and have been enjoying the heck out of sprouted flour in Katie’s tortillas.

      (Speaking of your tortillas, Katie – what’s the reason for refrigerating the dough? I haven’t been doing that *cough*poor planning*cough and they have been turning out pretty well! I even get lots of air bubbles when I cook them!)

      1. Ummmm…refrigerate? The original recipe from More with Less calls for refrigeration, but when soaking I don’t do that part at all, either. Glad you’ve been liking them! I better go check and see if that post is unclear… Thanks as always! 🙂 Katie

      2. Kimarie @ The Cardamom's Pod

        Hi, Lenetta,

        I go by time, more than a “signal” to stop soaking. Sounds like you’re doing fine – I, too, sometimes see the tiniest tips of sprouts starting, and drain then. I usually let my grains soak 8-18 hours, but they have gone 24 hours a few times! My soft wheat really plumps up a lot, but my hard white winter wheat doesn’t expand as much. It think it varies with each grain.

        So neat that you have your OWN wheat!! I think the difference may simple be the “fresh from the field” wheat.
        .-= Kimarie @ The Cardamom’s Pod´s last blog ..Wordless- Beam Me Up! =-.

        1. Kimarie, do you have any trouble grinding your sprouted wheat? I don’t remember my last batch giving me any trouble, but this batch doesn’t want to go through my Nutrimill! I end up kind of stirring the grain in the hopper to get it to go down, and it still takes much longer than to grind unsprouted wheat.

          1. Kimarie @ The Cardamom's Pod

            Lenetta, I have never noticed any trouble grinding my sprouted wheat – I grind mine pretty finely, and have never timed it.

            The troubleshooting page for my Country Living Grain Mill suggests the following solution if grinding goes slowly:
            “Most often this problem occurs when soft, oily, or moist grains are being ground. These clog up the patterns of the grinding plates and make grinding a laborious and interminable job. Even hard grains like wheat, spelt, and corn can collect moisture during storage and gum up grinding plates. The best test to determine if your grains have collected moisture is to throw a pan of your grain into the oven at 150 degrees for 45 minutes, and then try grinding that grain. If there is a noticeable or miraculous improvement then you know that moisture is the problem.” (from )

            I did what they suggested a few times and it made a remarkable difference. Even though the CL mill and the Nutrimill have different grinding mechanisms, the concept is still the same, I think.

  32. Kimarie, I am SOOOOOO impressed with this tutorial. You did an excellent job with both the explanation and the photos. I hope it is okay if I download and print it out so I can follow it step by step in my kitchen.

    I have one question. Does it matter what temp I use in my Excal to dry the sprouted gains, since I’ll be baking the breads, cookies, cakes, etc at 350 degrees? In the end, the enzymes will all be destroyed anyway.

    Thanks again for these instructions. Hugs to you and your nine little blessings.

    1. Marly, you are so kind – thank you! It’s fine with me if you print it out to use in your kitchen – although probably Katie would prefer you browse her blog every time you need it…LOL.

      Your question sent me into research mode, and I came away even more confused. Looks like enzymes get killed at 118 F and above, so if you’re baking at 350 F, I agree with you – why does it matter? I dry my sprouted grain at 145 F – the highest temp on the Excalibur.

      Then I remembered something about diastatic malt – it’s an ingredient used as an alternative sweetener in bread baking. It’s made by sprouting the grain to the point where the sprouts are the length of the kernels, then drying the sprouts slowly, keeping the temperature well under 130 F. You grind the sprouts into a powder, and use no more than 1 teaspoon per loaf of yeast bread. If you use more, the malt will cause the yeast in the bread to go into “hyperdrive” and it will die, resulting in fallen loaves. (In fact, I think this happened to me a long time ago when I dried a small amount of wheat berries just on the counter next to my oven, then tried to use the flour for biscuits. The dough was very sticky, and the biscuits did not rise.) So that fact right there seems to indicate one should dry sprouted grains ABOVE 130 F so you actually end up with a usable flour.

      Thanks for the hugs!

      1. Thanks now i know where i went wrong! I Sprouted Hard white dehydrated at 90-100* then milled in my komo fine setting the bread looked good But gummy inside and collapsed somewhat . So i need to dehydrate at 130 or higher?

        1. Hi, Tony,

          I do think it’s worth testing a batch of wheat dehydrated at 130 F or higher. Grind that into flour, make your bread, and see if that makes a difference. 🙂

      2. I know that this is an older post but to talk about drying throated grains. I only dry my grains at 105F to preserve the enzymes as they start to denature and eventually die. Check out dehydrating have left my for months while I am away and all I do is reactivate by dumping out sprouted grains at:

        I sprout several types of grains, hard and soft wheat, redfife, spelt and kamute all of them being only organic. I then dry them and turn them in to flour and separate the bran from the flour. I purchased a flour sifter from Bosch for my Bosch mixer. This sifter works great.

        When I bake breads pizza and other things I prefer to stay away from commercial yeasts. I only use a sourdough culture. Sourdough culture really doesn’t take that much to look after. I the grey liquid and getting rid of the top of the old starter and re feed the remaining starter with equal parts of water and flour by weight. The only white flour that I use is unbleached and untreated. There are to many chemicals in any other white flour.

        A baker told me that people who come into his bakery who have problems with gluten and use his breads have no problems. He only uses sourdough and unbleached and untreated flours in his bakery. I have spent quite a bit of time talking to him about the subject of sourdough and good flours.

        So for me and my family it is only sprouted organic grains, flours and sourdough. There is so much you can make with sourdough.
        All sorts of breads, pizza, muffins and pancakes etc. I just go to the internet and search for sourdough recipes.
        A great book to get started making sourdough breads is (Tartine Bread) It is a step by step with pictures and recipes. This book has become my bible.

        I hope that this information will help others.

    1. I use a Country Living Grain Mill that we motorized for everything except brown rice and popcorn. For those I borrow a friend’s Nutrimill – the same mill Katie has. 😉

    1. Well, you give rolling pins to your children, and…. just kidding!

      For the grain roller, I have a Marga Roller Grain Mill that we crank by hand. It gets the job done, but for volume, I’m dreaming of getting a roller/flaker attachment for my bread mixer.

  33. Thanks for this awesome post. I’ve sprouted a little bit of wheat before but I’m so grateful for the fill the dehydrator proportions! Now to find some gallon jars!
    .-= marcella´s last blog ..Fair Report 2010 =-.

  34. Wow, I would really love to try this! We have been tossing the grain mill idea around for a while, especially since we have one child with a wheat allergy and I’m a little sensitive. (You wouldn’t believe all the interesting flours I have in my freezer…but expensive). To that end, I’m searching for a good, inexpensive source for bulk wheat berries here in WV. Anyone live in the east and know of a good place to get them? Our local bulk foods has them, but their $.99/lb and I was hoping for something a little less, or is that a standard price?

    1. The super WalMart stores in SW Ohio have started selling 25 lb. bags of Wheat Montana hard white wheat berries and hard red wheat berries for $12-13 each.

    1. Jen,
      Good question – just plain water will do it, b/c you’re actually growing seeds.
      🙂 Katie

  35. Thanks you two so much!

    Would love to hear if anyone has done spelt berries this way.

    Also would love to know where one gets gallon sized glass jars.

    I just got my excalibur off of craigslist and am now looking into a grain mill. Would love to hear reviews on that. I’m tempted to get the kitchen aid attachment at this point.

    Thanks again!
    .-= melanie´s last blog ..A little accountability… =-.

    1. Hi, Melanie,
      I have done the same thing with spelt – this works with just about any grain.

      My one gallon glass jars are repurposed pickle jars, washed well. I think warehouse clubs like Sam’s Club or BJ’s still carry pickles in gallon jars. You could also ask around – I had several given to me by friends.

      That is so neat that you got your Excalibur off of craigslist! I borrow a friend’s Nutrimill to grind brown rice and popcorn, and use my Country Living Grain Mill for everything else.
      .-= Kimarie´s last blog ..Sprouting Grains For a Large Family =-.

    2. I have the kitchen Aid attachment. We love it, but I have broken a worm gear. so with that said two things You must consider are 1 if you want to grind corn or hard seed, You have to run it through and crack it, then run it though on course grind, then you can gind it fine if you choose. You also need one of the bigger mixers. I have a pro 600 series, and it works fine, but keep it on #1 setting. I put my grains in and turn it on 1 then I get everything else together that I am adding to my bread. It takes about 10-20n minutes to grind a good 4 cups of fine flour, but this way it does not heat up and retains its nutrition. If you use a mixer with a smaller motor you may deal with the mixer motor heating up too much as well and it will shut down on you. We usually only cook for 2-4 prople so this works for us, but if you have a large family you may want to consider a stronger grinder. Also some you can not shut off if seeds are in it, this one you can. So do lots of reserch to get the one you will get along with best.

  36. Wardeh @ GNOWFGLINS

    Like you, Kimarie, I do big batches of sprouted berries. My favorite is sprouted spelt, which is lovely in bread and much like whole wheat pastry flour in baked goods (muffins, cookies, cakes). It is wonderful in the no-soaking-necessary Take-Along Spelt Biscuits that Katie included in her ebook.

    I store my berries in a big cotton pillowcase – saves the plastic and gives a nice big opening to collect the grains off the trays.

    Thanks, Kimarie for a wonderful post! I love seeing how other families accomplish similar tasks. 🙂
    .-= Wardeh @ GNOWFGLINS´s last blog ..Tuesday Twister – Pizza! =-.

      1. Wardeh @ GNOWFGLINS

        I’m hypothesizing a bit, but no, I don’t think they need cool storage – as long as they’re not milled. According to Janie Quinn of “Sprouted Baking,” the germ is normally what is susceptible to rancidity in grains. But during sprouting, the germ is transformed and becomes less susceptible to spoiling.

        So I conclude that dry, sprouted grain berries are more shelf stable than unsprouted berries (which can be kept dry and dark even at room temperature for many months). I never store my sprouted grains that long – we use a big batch within a month or two.

        Milled, sprouted flour is best stored in the freezer or fridge and consumed within 6 months, though the cool storage may extend the shelf life even longer. This, again, is from Janie Quinn’s “Sprouted Baking.”

        However, she also says that oxidation does not cause nutrient loss, so I think we need to apply our own logic to any conclusions. 🙂
        .-= Wardeh @ GNOWFGLINS´s last blog ..Tuesday Twister – Pizza! =-.

    1. Hi, Wardeh! I agree with Katie – a pillowcase is brilliant! The trading of ideas on these blogs is so enjoyable! You know, I could even reuse the grain bags – some of mine are made of 3 layers of paper, with a moisture barrier in the middle layer. I live in Florida, which is known for humidity and bugs, so I need to take extra caution to keep grains dry and secure. The ziploc bags (which I reuse until they break) have worked well for me, and I’ve also reused 5 gallon buckets.

      I love the spelt, too – and we recently tried Kamut, however it is definitely pricier than wheat or spelt. Sounds like I need to get that book you mentioned… 😉

  37. Chris Kelemen

    Thank you! This is my next weekend project!

    I would also like your recipes for using sprouted grains in baking without the dehydrating step. It seems like we should be able to take the wet, sprouted grain, stick it in a food processor and have the equivalent of sprouted flour with the liquid already added.

    1. Hi, Chris, and you are right. It’s just that it makes a different type of loaf. To save space, please see my reply to Terri’s comment above. 🙂

  38. Starving Student Survivor

    I hope I’m not stupid for asking, but what’s the difference between soft and hard wheat berries? I’ve only ever used hard white and hard red wheat.
    .-= Starving Student Survivor´s last blog ..Make Your Own Sour Cream =-.

    1. Hello! That is a great question!

      Basically, soft wheat berries are lower in protein and gluten, and are most often used to make pastry flour to be used in muffins, biscuits, cakes, etc.

      Hard wheat berries are higher in gluten and are best used for bread – they develop the elasticity that is wonderful for yeast breads, pizza dough, and I think even tortillas.

      1. Starving Student Survivor

        Okay. Thanks! So could I use the same process to sprout hard wheat berries to dry and grind into flour for bread?
        .-= Starving Student Survivor´s last blog ..Make Your Own Sour Cream =-.

          1. Starving Student Survivor

            Yay! Now all I need to do is win the dehydrator. 🙂
            .-= Starving Student Survivor´s last blog ..Make Your Own Sour Cream =-.

  39. michelle p. from wa

    I love God! I have been wondering how to do this and He brings it all together here. I too, would love your bread recipe. Thank you for sharing with us your process in such detail!!

    1. Michelle,

      I, too, am so amazed at how God works all things together for His people!

      You know, I need to ask if you are asking for a sprouted bread recipe, or a plain whole wheat flour recipe for bread? If it’s the 100% sprouted one, please see my comment to Terri above. Let me know if it’s a “regular” bread recipe you are looking for.

      1. michelle p. from wa

        Quick question…You said you make a traditional loaf with regular flour and sprouted flour? How much sprouted flour do you add to conventional flour? Yes, I would love your “regular” bread recipe. Many thanks to you!

        1. Sorry to be confusing. When I mentioned sprouts in bread, I meant just adding in a portion of the soaked and sprouted (but not dried) grains into a traditional bread recipe, like adding flax seed or oatmeal for texture. I do not mix sprouted flour and conventional flour.

          When I used to use just freshly ground flour (no soaking or sprouting) I had excellent results using Wheat Montana’s Prairie Gold Hard White Spring Wheat and Marilyn’s Famous Whole Wheat Bread recipe. I never added the gluten or dough enhancers and was able to use 100% whole wheat flour. I actually sold quite a few of these loaves for a while to friends! I have not used this recipe with sprouted flour yet, but plan to.

          Now when I make yeast bread, I use the Yeasted Buttermilk Bread from Nourishing Traditions, which you can find at the awesome sprouted flour recipe page at To Your Health Sprouted Flour Co.. It’s the 6th recipe on the page.

          I just found a link that I could have put in my post! It’s an excerpt of four pages from Sue Gregg’s Whole Grain Baking cookbook. Explains everything much better than I can. 🙂 Happy baking!

  40. Okay so I am new at this, but when and for what foods do you soak or sprout the grains rather than use as is?

    I sure hope I win the nutrimill. I want one, but couldn’t afford one, so I had to buy a hand crank mill “for now.”

    Wow, you have two ovens, Kimarie. That must make cooking for your large family so much easier. My mother-in-law had 9 kiddies too and I am sure that was hard to feed them with more limited means (they are from mexico). Of course, I got the best of her kiddies…lol 😉

    Thanks for the great posts and guest posts. I appreciate sites and blogs like this to help me along as I learn my way through this new eating style.

    1. Erin,

      We are moving to not using anything but soaked or sprouted grain in all our baked goods, so I don’t pick or choose. Honestly, if I’m in a pinch, I’ve been using white flour, because our tummies don’t like unprocessed grains anymore! :-/ That’s another reason I’ve begun making sprouted grains/flour in bulk – it’s ready to use right away and as a last resort, I can have a batch of biscuits ready in under 20 minutes.

  41. Cheryl@SomewhatCrumchy

    Great tutorial! I love the photos, it sounds and looks easier than I expected 🙂
    .-= Cheryl@SomewhatCrumchy´s last blog ..How To Line A Round Cake Pan =-.

  42. Wow, this is great. Thanks for communicating with her to help your readers! Katie, did I miss your final conclusion on the whole to debate whether to soak, sprout or not? I’m guessing I did by your response above. I’ll go search for it. I honestly quit reading the debate after the one about white flour possibly being better (because I thought I was going to go crazy at that point!) so obviously didn’t read your final conclusions.

    Thanks again for this tutorial!

    1. Shannon,
      I didn’t get to the “conclusion” yet, sorry! This post just fit so well with the Excalibur week…

      I feel like that soaking grains series is the (crazy) relative that never leaves…

      For now, I do all the soaking because I *think* it goes better in the ol’ pipes!

      🙂 Katie

  43. Sherrie Hake

    I loved the step by step; just what i need. Now if only i can get the excalibur dehydrator 🙂 Could you share your bread recipe? mine has to use gluten to seem to work but having said that; i have not ever sprouted my grains before.

    1. Thanks, Sherrie. To answer your bread recipe question, please see my reply to Terri’s comment above.


    2. Sherrie~ I have done this without the dehydrator just using my oven set on the lowest temp possible. My oven only goes to 170* so I would prop it open with a spoon or something ( felt great on a cold winter day!) to keep it from being so warm.

      1. I am in the same situation, I don’t have a dehydrator and my oven only goes down to 170. I want to dry my kamut that has already sprouted in my oven. How long do I keep it in the oven on 170 (with the door slightly open?

  44. Stacy @ Delighting in the Days

    This is great! I have wanted to do this forever. And you’ve given me another reason to put an Excalibur dehydrator on my Christmas list 🙂
    .-= Stacy @ Delighting in the Days´s last blog ..Healthy Body = Happier Home =-.

  45. To make smaller batches of sprouted grain (say 6-8 cups), I use my colander set over a bowl for the sprouting. So easy to rinse.

    I want to hear more about your rolled sprouted cereal! I’d rather not use rolled oats bc they are already steamed, but they come in darn handy for so many things! 🙂

    And do you make a 100% sprouted loaf? I have, but have always had to use lots of gluten, and the center of mine can often be sticky. Bummer. However, I don’t have a flour mill, so I’m just “grinding” fresh sprouted wheat in my food processor….

    1. Terri,
      The colander method is great! I’ve used it before for smaller amounts of grain.

      When I referred to using the sprouts in bread, I meant adding some sprouts to a regular bread recipe. I don’t make a 100% sprouted loaf – yet…

      Your question reminded me of how a LONG time ago I made some Essene bread using this recipe:

      Place 2 cups wheatberries in a bowl, cover with water to about an inch above the berries, and sprout for about 2 days. After the berries have started to sprout, drain off excess water, put through a hand grinder and form into a ball. Bake about 45 minutes at 375.

      I remember that it was a very dense, yet incredibly delicious bread. And, how much simpler can you get? I have another batch of wheatberries soaking right now, so I think I’m going to try it again.

      I also did 2 brief searches – one using “Essene Bread” and another using “100% sprouted grain bread” and found there’s a lot of recipes out there that interest me.


      1. Hi! I know this is an old post, but I was hoping you could tell me what the difference is between sprouted wheat flour and diastatic malt? I saw that there’s a 1:1 ratio of using sprouted flour in bread making, but also that diastatic malt should only be used as a sweetener in breads (about 1 tsp/cup of flour, and it appears to be made by sprouting wheat, so I’m confused. Thanks!

        1. Hi, Marie!

          Your question intrigued me, so i just did a quick spot of internet research, and what I’ve collected is this:

          + Sprouted wheat flour (or any *glutenous* sprouted flour) is exactly the same as diastatic malt powder.

          + “Diastatic” simply means the flour/powder has not been heated enough to kill the enzymes the wheat berries begin to produce while germinating.

          + DMP is used widely in commercial breadmaking. Malt barley flour is often a cheaper addition than white sugar. The sugars and starches make great food for the yeast.

          + And, finally, the reason it’s often recommended to limit the amount of DMP is for texture – because it’s so gluten-heavy when made with wheat or barley (even though the gluten takes on a slightly more digestible form). Apparently, if a dough is made up of more than 10% of DMP or sprouted, glutenous flour, the dough will become slack and sticky no matter what else you do to it.

          So, in summary, you can add as much as you want, up to 100% DMP, really, as long as you don’t mind a sweet, dense loaf. To keep your bread light and fluffy, do follow the teaspoon-per-cup ratio you were first given. 🙂

          1. Thanks so much! I have been successfully using it in a 50/50 ratio of sprouted and unsprouted flour to make bread. I haven’t noticed a difference in texture or taste, but I think since I dehydrate mine at a higher temp, it is not actually diastatic malt. It may be considered non-diastatic malt. I’m still not really sure what differentiates diastatic from non-diastatic and sprouted. I’m assuming it’s the temp it’s dried at? Or does the length of the sprouts matter, too?

          2. Also, would you mind telling me where you were able to find the answer to that question? I have been trying to find it now for a couple months, and haven’t had any luck. I even emailed a couple of the companies that make sprouted flour, and they couldn’t tell me what the difference was! Thanks!

          3. Diane Hillman

            I make bread using 100 percent sprouted wheat flour that I sprout, dry and grind in my VitaMix. My bread comes out yummy and the texture is soft and light. I use hard white wheat berries as I heard that soft white wheat berries are mostly used for cakes, pastries, etc.
            Here is my recipe:
            1 1/2 cups warm water
            1 1/2 tsp. salt
            1/4 to 1/2 cup of honey (I use raw honey)
            3 Tbsp. vital wheat gluten
            4 cups sprouted wheat flour
            2 1/2 tsp. yeast or 1 pkg.
            Add in the Bread machine in the order listed. Set machine to wheat/light 1.5 lb. loaf
            OR……you can bake it in the oven at 375 degrees for about 40 minutes or until internal temperature reaches 190 degrees.

            This is our favorite bread. Give it a try.

      2. hi,

        i try to make my own sourdough after ramiel nagels book “healing tooth decay”. but as im not familiar with how to exactly apply the working steps, there are some difficulties making the flour.
        (heres a thread by ramiel about it:

        if got one question now: how can i separate the bran and germ from the flour? ive got a small kitchen mill and i have no idea how i should get them out of the powder that comes out of my kitchen mill. got any suggestion?

        as sourdough consists of rye and wheat: should i just use 50/50 rye and wheat, both grains are sprouted and soaked equally beforehand?
        thanks for help

        1. Katie Kimball @ Kitchen Stewardship

          I demonstrate removing the bran here:

          and much more on sourdough (which can be many varieties of grain, not just rye and wheat), here:

          You do not need to sprout grains before making sourdough, since the processes are kind of redundant. Some people say that if you soak and sprout, you get pretty mushy bread. ???

          Good luck! 🙂 Katie

    2. Terri – I realized I didn’t answer your question about the rolled cereal…

      We roll or crack the grains in bulk and keep them in the refrigerator. My recipe is based on the Bulgur Casserole recipe in Nourishing Traditions. (We do 4-6 times the recipe, I’m giving you the 4-serving recipe):

      1 cup bulgur (sprouted dried grain)
      2 cups cold water
      pinch of cinnamon
      1/2 tsp sea salt
      1/4 cup butter or coconut oil
      1/4 cup raisins and/or crispy nuts

      We toast the rolled grains in a cast iron skillet, then bring to a boil in a different pot with water, salt, and cinnamon. I stir it, then cover and simmer for about 20-30 minutes on low heat without removing the lid. After removing from the heat, I add the butter/coconut oil and a handful of raisins and/or nuts, then let it sit covered for 5 minutes. My husband and children LOVE this and say it’s WAY better than soaked oatmeal! It is remarkably filling. I’ve made it with sprouted & dried wheat, spelt, and buckwheat.

  46. Pingback: Sprouting Grains for a Large Family | Cardamom's Pod

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