- How to Prevent Car Sickness in Kids
- Our Best Natural Remedies for Motion Sickness in Kids
- Our Train Travel Story: Avoiding Motion Sickness, but Just Barely!
- Essential Oils for Motion Sickness in Kids
- How to Get Essential Oils into the Air
- Homeopathy Options
- Why We Had to Make "Homemade" Sea Bands
- UPDATE: Huge Success Healing from Motion Sickness with Functional Neurology!
Car trips with children can be a harrowing experience for any parent, but when you have a child who gets motion sickness – that’s a whole new level of challenge.

I recently had a reader email asking if I had any experience with car sickness remedies, especially treatments that would be safe for kids. It’s not the first time I’ve been asked the question, which is so interesting because (lucky me) I actually DO have a child who gets motion sickness when we drive.
She was 4 years old the first time it happened, and we were on our way to visit family six hours away.
Of course, no one wants to turn around when you’re halfway there on a much-anticipated trip, but we didn’t want to get the very young children in our hosts’ home sick either.
We were trying to figure out if it could be motion sickness or a stomach virus.
I had heard that very young children could not get motion sickness, but no one else got sick that weekend. It was only in retrospect after we experienced nausea and vomiting on long drives a few more times that we realized it HAD to have been the real deal: child car sickness.
Now, four years later, I’ve encountered plenty of people with very young children who have some pretty severe motion sickness, so I’m convinced that it’s very possible for the preschool age group, and even toddlers and babies, to be carsick.
Here’s what the mom who contacted me had to say:
I’d rather not give him Dramamine… It never worked for me; in fact, it was a guarantee that I would get sick if I took it. I have read about some natural methods for car sickness but I need something acceptable for a little one. Any ideas?
I was just glad I had something to offer her!
How to Prevent Car Sickness in Kids
These tips apply to adults too but are 100% safe for children.

First, never leave home without a bucket – a large cottage cheese or yogurt tub with a lid is a great option (or two or three). They can be taken into a restroom and rinsed out for reuse if needed and of course they seal well too.
I’ve always carried tubs like that for restaurant leftovers, although my friend thought I should have something cuter and got me some silicone takeout containers for the car. We just use those, but we’re lucky that we’ve been very successful in treating the motion sickness and rarely have vomiting anymore.
If your child has the potential to vomit often, I’d stock zippered bags too so that you don’t have to stop every single time.
RELATED: At Home Remedies for Vomiting
Second, NO sitting in the rear seats of a van or SUV – only the middle. There’s a lot of more play and motion in the very back. Same goes for busses – try to sit near the driver and never backward (like on a train or boat).
For a child still in a rear-facing carseat, I might consider what I’d never otherwise do: turning them forward. It’s a parent’s judgment call as to what’s worse: the potential risk of more serious injury in a car accident or the nearly definite display of stomach contents on the lap?
Next, don’t allow the child to read, play on a tablet, or do anything that requires looking down of any kind.
Not being able to match up your visual equilibrium with what the car is actually doing can drastically increase motion sickness. For that reason as well, try to make sure the child has a sight line to the front of the vehicle so they can look out the front window as much as possible.
A middle seatbelt may be the best (although if it’s harder to get to the child in case of a vomit incident, that may NOT be the best!). Grab some great audiobooks so the child doesn’t have to be bored and isn’t tempted to do anything on their lap.
Some families find that kids can’t eat certain foods before traveling, dairy is an often-mentioned culprit. That might be something to experiment with by keeping a “what the child ate before driving” log and attempting to omit dairy for the day.
A commenter on this post shared a fascinating remedy: keeping your core engaged while sitting. Apparently it somehow staves of the car sickness – I can’t wait to try it!
As much as possible, seek sleep. At least in our experience, when our daughter is sleeping, she’s much less likely to be hit by the nausea of a moving vehicle. We’ll try to drive in the late evening and into nighttime when possible because of that.
I’m guessing that one won’t work for everyone though – I can see some kids not able to fall asleep because of nausea or the carsick feeling waking them up.
If nausea does hit, react to the situation by first of course getting a bucket or bag to the child! Then try opening the windows or letting the child out to get the breeze on their face. That can be helpful, although not always sustainable on long freeway drives.
To recap:
- bucket/zippered bags
- avoid sitting in the back of a van
- no reading or looking down
- try omitting dairy
- engage the core
- seek sleep
- seek a breeze
All of those are really standard “what to do when feeling nauseous in the car” tips, and for a child who is really affected by motion sickness, they’re not going to help all that much. But they’re good to know!
The two strategies that have worked wonders for us, though, with zero issues once we started using both aggressively, are acupressure and peppermint.
Traveling as a family with real food in real life is a lot of work, but it’s so worth it. Learn from my experience packing a family of 6 up in a van for a two-month road trip. See what we brought with us, what we left home, how we ate healthy for cheap while we were away from home, and most impressively how we fit everything we needed for two months in the van with all 6 of us!

Our Best Natural Remedies for Motion Sickness in Kids

When we discovered Child-sized Sea-Bands, we finally began to feel like we were winning against motion sickness and could travel without fear again.
These bracelets work via acupressure, are easy to use, inexpensive, chemical-free, reusable, and washable. They’re a parent’s dream. 😉 Try to remember to put them on the child about half an hour before leaving for long travels.
The instructions on the package are very clear in my opinion. It is very important to place them correctly (between the two tendons of the wrist and 3 finger-widths down from the crease of the wrist – the child’s own fingers).
Our daughter knows how to place them perfectly by herself now, but for the first year or two I always helped her. If she does start feeling nauseous, the first thing I do (after handing her a bucket) is to check her Sea-Band placement and even apply a little extra pressure to the points.
The other major item we have in our “carsick kit” is candy canes. Yep, Kitchen Stewardship® is recommending sugar!
The idea is that once a bit of tummy ache hits, peppermint or ginger can really calm it down. I’ve also heard that small sips of ginger ale can help, which might be a better solution for a very young child. Peppermint or ginger tea would be another possible option to experiment with.
We stock our car with the mini candy canes you get at Christmastime because they’re a great size and easy to keep along without any forethought. Any peppermint candy will work though.
We tried some ginger chews which ended up being too spicy for our little one, but they totally worked as well. You can also find ginger gum.
In this case a little sugar is definitely a necessary evil, and we just remind ourselves that the rest of our diet is pretty good and make sure we get the probiotics in that day.
Pineapple, ginger, and mint-infused water are also considered tummy tamers and might be tastier than ginger tea for little ones.
I also found this cool ginger-mint anti-nausea lollipop that has no refined sugar in it. For a baby like my reader was asking about, I would love to try making the candy in long, skinny threads that could just be administered one tiny, non-choking-hazard sliver at a time.
Our Train Travel Story: Avoiding Motion Sickness, but Just Barely!
We were on a train once for 4 hours, and when we were about 3 hours in, my daughter got severely nauseous. She was about to throw up and even had a bit of a dry heave happen (yikes!!!) and I realized her Sea Bands had shifted during the trip and were no longer in the right spot.
I readjusted them and applied additional pressure with my thumbs on the correct acupressure spot on her wrists, did some deep breathing with her, and all was well. I don’t even think we had the peppermint candies with us as we hadn’t discovered that little trick yet, but the Sea Bands alone took nausea away completely.
I was sold! Best investment I’ve ever made.

Essential Oils for Motion Sickness in Kids
I haven’t used essential oils for this purpose myself, but I checked the Using Essential Oils Safely facebook group because I knew I’d seen information about kids and motion sickness in there before, and they’re very safe and conservative about EOs with kids.
I knew, for example, that although peppermint is great for settling the tummy, it’s also not recommended for children under 6 or 10 years old, so I wasn’t about to experiment with it in a closed vehicle where we also had a tiny baby.
Here are some recommendations for essential oils and motion sickness in children:
All of these tips are copied directly from the Facebook group; I am not an expert or medical professional at all!
- In a personal inhaler, place 15 drops ginger essential oil. Sniff it prior to getting into a car, or train, or bus. Then every 15 minutes inhale till movement feeling or head stops spinning in the vehicle you are in. Ginger EO doesn’t smell like fresh ginger and tends to be a bit stinky, just a heads up. 🙂 Some folks also use a car diffuser, especially if more than one person is affected by the motion sickness.
- Also a good combo: spearmint, bergamot, grapefruit & cardamom diffused together for nausea. (Spearmint is a safe alternative to peppermint for kiddos. Always confirm safety and age range when using EOs with children or pregnant women.)
- Equal parts ginger and sweet orange is a child-safe blend. (Diffuse it for best results.)
- Chamomile essential oil may help and is very gentle for even the youngest children/babies. Perhaps try chamomile tea as well, if ginger or peppermint tea are disliked.
- For kids over 10 only: If there are no younger children around you can use peppermint. Properly dilute it at about 1.5% depending on age (see more here) and put into a roller bottle. Dabbing a bit on the wrists and inhaling it may help. Putting it (undiluted) on a tissue or something would work too (or follow the instructions below for a personal inhaler; the tissue is the “quick, I don’t have anything else!” emergency solution).
- Note: While there are lots of brands of EOs online, I do prefer to source mine at Plant Therapy because they take care to make a quality product but are more affordable than other high quality options.
- EDIT: a reader commented about a successful “no car sickness” trip (their first!) and one of the strategies used was Plant Therapy’s Kid-Safe Tummy All Better roll-on bottle. Awesome to know that it went well!!
If you’re applying to the skin, always dilute the essential oils appropriately no matter what.
Do you know how to properly dilute essential oils?
Katie here, popping in to tell you how important it is to be sure you’re diluting those essential oils properly. Sure, you know not to use EOs straight (neat). But do you know the 1-2-3 math so it’s not too strong or weak? Print this chart to keep with your oils so you never have to do math in the middle of the night when your LO is congested: You can read more about why it’s so important to dilute essential oils here, and I know the little chart will be helpful!How to Get Essential Oils into the Air
You don’t have to buy a fancy diffuser to test out essential oils and see if they help your kids’ motion sickness or not. Here’s a video on how to make a personal inhaler.
If you do not have any personal inhalers an easy quick option is putting a few drops of oils on a cotton ball and storing it in a small bottle (like an old pill bottle) or a small bag and then just open and sniff as needed.
Some have said they have found it effective to put a couple of drops of oil on a cotton ball and then use a clothes pin or something similar to clip it to one of the vents in the vehicle which helps disperse the scent.
Exposing the oil to air will reduce its potency each time, so be sure your oils are always in a closed, airtight container.
You might not be able to reuse the same “oiled” cotton ball for your return trip, but packing the whole bottle of oil still won’t take up too much packing space and will be well worth it if you find a blend that works for your child!
Homeopathy Options
I felt blessed to “listen in on” some advice from a bunch of health practitioners to someone struggling with motion sickness and planning a cruise, and here were some homeopathic remedies I didn’t know about previously.
I haven’t tried these, but homeopathics are generally very safe – just remember I’m not a doctor or nurse, so don’t take my word for it!:
- Tabacum 30C – take 3-4 pellets every 15-30 minutes for motion sickness.
- Cocculus 30c
- In general, homeopathy is “symptom dependent” meaning that you don’t take something “for motion sickness” you take something for specific feelings of nausea, dizziness, or headaches. A pounding headache needs a different remedy than a headache in the nape of your neck and different still for one behind the eyes, etc. I’ve learned a lot lately from a great resource called Homeopathy for Mommies.
- Cocculus is for motion sickness “with need to lie down,” while Tabacum is more for headache with nausea and vomiting. Another reader sent me a note that Hyland’s homeopathy tablets for motion sickness really work, and they have both those remedies plus 2 more combined. (They may not be rated for children under 2 though.)
- Some also said histamine levels can impact motion sickness – something else to look into balancing!
Why We Had to Make “Homemade” Sea Bands
I knew I was going to write this post the last time we traveled, but I swear I didn’t sabotage us on purpose.
About a half hour into the trip, my daughter called out, “Mom, I don’t feel well!” I tossed her the bucket and said, “Oh my goodness, get the Sea Bands out!”
They weren’t there.
She had accidentally worn them into the house a few days before (our policy is to take them off and leave them in the car). They were still on her desk.
Now what?
We employed the “stop and get some air” strategy, which worked, and as I unwrapped a candy cane, I said, “Ok kids, time to put our thinking caps on. How can we make some Sea Bands out of what we have in the car???”
Here’s what we came up with:

That’s my headband with a pebble underneath and brother’s watch with a couple pennies. The watch was less effective, probably because the “point” was more spread out and not quite the way it’s supposed to work, but between this hack and our candy canes, she survived the remainder of the two hour drive.
It was worth the sacrifice of having frizzy hair and stretching out my headband!!
UPDATE: Huge Success Healing from Motion Sickness with Functional Neurology!
When my 3-year-old got a concussion, we helped his brain heal via therapy with a functional neurologist, and my daughter ended up having more sessions than him to heal from motion sickness!
With simple therapy exercises and a big effort on consistency in doing them at home, she has been able to ride 4 hours without any assistance and even read for 45 minutes in the car!! If you have a child with motion sickness, you know how much of a gift this has been to our family.
Check the video for a few of the exercises we’ve done, and here’s the full interview with more info on how functional neurology works.
If you can’t see the video above, click “Healing from Motion Sickness for Kids” to view directly on YouTube.
Unfortunately, this work is an individual thing and the exercises changed every week after diagnostic observation in the office, so you can’t just use a “motion sickness cure” list, but I hope you can take hope that there IS a cure for motion sickness and find a functional neurologist near you!!
I’ve been getting motion sick for my whole life, since I was a toddler. Sleeping was the best thing for awhile. I do best driving or being the front passenger and looking out the front window all the time. Then sea bands came out, and they worked really well! I could never read or knit in the car, but I could look around a bit. If I began to feel a little queasy I would press on or readjust my sea bands.
As an adult I recently was diagnosed with a tongue tie and had it revised. The dentist mentioned in passing after the procedure, some patients lose their motion sickness. I didn’t think much of it, until we had an hour drive where I read on my phone looking down for 20 minutes. Wow!! I thought I had been looking down only 5 minutes…but no it was 20 minutes! I was flabbergasted, still am! I can now read or write in the car without getting sick!! When I asked the dentist who performed my procedure, she explained there seems to a connection between tongue tie and motion sickness.
If anyone is interested, you can be evaluated for a tongue tie by a Myofunctional therapist or pediatric dentist with a specialty in tongue ties. Some Myofunctional therapists specialize in children and some in adults.
(Disclaimer- I’m not a doctor, just a pleasantly surprised patient sharing something you can look into if you choose.)
Oh wow! Thanks for sharing, that’s so neat!
Every female in my family gets motion sick. It’s been passed down the generations and now my three daughters (and actually our female dog too) get motion sickness. The biggest thing to help me was cutting out sugar (including fruit) at least 24 hours before travelling.
Something my family has always used for motion sickness is papaya tablets. It’s a digestive enzyme sold at most natural food stores. They are tasty little tablets that can be chewed at the beginning of a trip or at the onset of symptoms. Might be a good choice for those that can’t do peppermint.
That’s a great tip Carie! Thanks for sharing!
We had a successful car trip last weekend with no car sickness! First time we’ve made that particular trip with no trouble. We used the Hylands Motion Sickness tablets, SeaBands, Plant Therapy’s Kid-safe Tummy All Better oil roll-on to sniff or put on your upper lip to keep smelling it, plain rice cakes and cold La Croix water. Cold, blasting AC has always helped and looking forward.
Oooo, I haven’t tried Plant Therapy’s Tummy All Better roll-on! That’s so cool, thank you!! 🙂 Katie
Seriously, a person with medical training told you children can not have motion sickness? OMG. I’m 58 and have had motion sickness from birth. No rocking, strollers were challenging and car trips were a no go. As a child in Central New York, I had to sit by the window, and when it got bad I had to have my wrist out, even in the winter (which was the worst with the heat on and all the clothes, not to mention smoking adults (for a brief time)) as an adult, driving is the best defense. I will say it has improved drastically, to the point where I can read and knit in the middle seats of our van when we have parents with us on a trip. I suspect I am able to do this now because I’ve learned how to avoid, manage and deal with motion sickness. Still, I can’t go into a lighting store and check out the ceiling fans in motion (my husband and in the past, my father, think/thought it was hilarious…). I am so happy there are non-chemical methods available for your little ones, chemicals never worked for me either. Thank you for this article.
My friend recently told me this tip that she learned from a guy who is a navigator for rally car races (like, he sits in the passenger seat reading maps for HOURS on windy, twisty roads). He’s the trick he told her:
That’s it. Engage your core muscles and hold your belly taught. My friend has been using that trick to type term papers on road trips. My 6 year old usually gets horribly car sick and he used it to stave off an episode recently.
I mentioned it to another friend and she made a connection in her own child. Her daughter used to get horribly car sick, but she’s been recently doing a lot of core work to correct some low tone strength issues. Her car sickness has really been reduced!
I’m sold!
The Hylands tablets work well for my daughter, as does fresh air. I also once read that sunglasses can help, and she thinks they do a bit. We’ve also found that keeping her cool is important–if she’s on the sunny side of the car we switch her. Finally, we’ve found that an empty stomach can be as bad as a full one for her, and we keep salty, dry snacks (like popcorn) on hand.
The ziplock idea is a great one that I heard from a friend last year. We brought them on our camping trip, and for the second time in 7 trips up there we made it home without needing the “yucket” (“yuckies” bucket). It required stopping 5 times on a 2.5 hour drive, but fortunately we were coming back from Lake Tahoe and the stops were scenic!
Great article! I was one of those kids who get car sick, but not on boats. Sitting in the front seat, with the windows open helped a lot and I avoided reading while the car was in motion. My oldest son occasionally gets car sick and I still do. Often it hits me if my hubby tries to play music with a certain rhythm to it. The music sounds circular to me and I get nauseous. I’m going to have to try the sea bands and peppermint! When I was pregnant I used to drink mint tea or lemon water and they would calm my stomach. Yes, peppermint candy canes are such an easy thing to keep in the car. I agree that ginger is too strong/spicy. I tried the sea bands once, but I don’t think I had them in the right spot nor put them on ahead of being sick – oops! My family LOVES car trips, but my motion sickness puts a damper on our fun, so I’ll try out your ideas and let you know!
Making ur own inhaler link is broken
Whoops, thank you, Helene! That one went to the Using EOs Safely Facebook group and I didn’t even process the fact that if you’re not in the group, you can’t see it. Sorry! I replaced it with a YouTube video demonstrating how to make your own.
Vicks inhaler! Lol Thanx
Remember a hundred million years ago when I had a blog? I wrote about this, since hubs is a pilot and I get urpy. I use this http://www.reliefband.com/motion-sickness/ and found it helped more than the bands. Other cheap ideas: poke some holes in an orange and out it in a ziplock, then open & sniff as needed, and an ice pack on the back of my neck. I am a big fan of cold air on my face but it isn’t always practical. Plus my skin temp goes down even though I still feel hot. Then hubs thinks I’m cold so he tries to cuddle me and he feels like fire which doesn’t help. Ahem. Anyway, lots of solidarity on motion sickness. It’s awful.
You only need one of the relief bands?
The SeaBands worked somewhat for a yr maybe. Now theyre more placebo effect…mommy IS trying to help me, she DOES care. Mommy knows how tortuous nausea is, for sure…hyperemesis gravidarum ????
Eating or not eating makes no difference. Eating on the road or not eating on the road (in the car) makes no difference. Hot weather or cold weather makes no difference. Time of day makes no difference.
IOW nothing makes no difference (I know, double negative, but rly–nothing I try matters)
We have been using nux vomica for 4 mos now, they work somewhat. Again, I think more of a calming mechanism…ok, now I’ll feel better…
My only saving grace is it’s very intermittment. Like, random. Mite be twice in one week, mite be once in six mos. Mite be on a longer trip, mite be going to the local grocery. Mite happen after we’ve stopped to eat and not gotten back in for a good half hr, mite happen before breakfast. Mite not happen for a few mos during which we’ve had lunch or snacks in the car 15 times, mite happen driving to the library 5 min away.
If i could figure out her trigger, I would be so much happier. She throws up so its a disgusting mess when its sudden, which it sometimes is. Shes never nauseated when not in the car, very few stomach bugs in her life.
I mite try the smelling peppermint EOs, sucking anything wud make her gag.
The first time she was 4.5yo, long trip, had a banana before we stopped for brkfst. Then not again for a good yr, yr and a half. Now shes 11yo. Maddening!
The Relief Band is NINETY dollars?!?! Wow, someones makin a killing. Way too much for us to try it. Good chance it wont work.
Incredible how ppl have to gouge consumers.
Nevasic – a good (Proven) option – much lighter on your wallet – and a life time product.
Thx for the app plug. The App Store doesnt have it when i searched for it tho. 🙁
Hi Hélène
I just checked it on iTunes App Store – it is there.. under “Nevasic”.
Let me know if you still have difficulty… Dave
Nope, I even capitalized it to see if that was a problem. Dangit.
iTunes – isn’t it fun!
TYVM! The link worked 🙂
Great article, I found a link to it in the newspaper.
Well done.
I have two sons who are susceptible to car sickness. One son, only on curvy roads. Before the curves come, he has to put away the books and look up and out. And I have to take it easier on the curves for him. (I love mountain driving! So this is a sacrifice…) The other son needs fresh air. The air conditioner won’t do. We crack the window open for him. A friend of mine does better when she drives. My mother-in-law used a patch behind her ear. I wouldn’t use peppermint gum on an empty stomach. The saliva gets the tummy juices going with nothing to digest, making it worse.
Sugar, I think is a good thing for an icky tummy. Simple carbs are easy to digest and don’t stall in the tummy. No heavy proteins or fats. I totally agree on peppermint, ginger or real ginger ale. (Most ginger ales are flavored and not real ginger.) There is a time for sugar and simple carbs like crackers.
I wouldn’t be surprised if your best morning sickness remedies would help here!
You are right on the money. The Nevasic app has been clinically trialled and proven for travel sickness and NHS research showed it is highly successful with morning sickness too.
Best part – nothing to ingest – no side effects…
Great information..thank you. We keep a plastic coffee can in the van for one of my daughters. It seals tightly and has the handle thing to make it comfortable for her to hold. Mint gum and a book on audio helped with our last 24 hour trip. I will for sure try your ideas next year. I love the EO tip. I was so sick I felt motion sick even after being at the hotel last trip.
Hm, I’ll have to get some Sea Bands to try for my 18 month old, not sure if she’ll leave them alone enough for them to work but worth a shot. I’m hesitant with the EOs since she’s under 2, but with a 17 hour drive coming up I might diffuse a little. She does best if she’s ready to go to sleep or if she has a relatively empty stomach, no snacks before leaving and no snacks in the car. She’s been getting carsick since she was 9 months old (it’s been super fun *sarcasm*), her older sister got carsick from 18 months until 2.5-3 years. She apparently grew out of it (without turning her forward facing, that’s not an acceptable risk for me), hopefully the little one does sooner rather than later! Thanks for the tips, we’ll see how the Sea Bands go for us.
Hi!!! I love that your starting this discussion. My daughter also has always easily gotten car sick. We have found that it also helps to place her in the center rear seat so she can look out the windshield. I think she gets more car sick when she looks out the sides. She’s done ok with watching videos for the most part. I will have to try the homeopathic and acupressure next time. Unfortunately we just discovered she has “cyclic vomiting syndrome, CVS” = “abdominal migraines” UGH!!!! Apparently 2% of kids have it, but i’d never heard of it. Last time she had an episode, i was giving her peppermint tea when, sadly i think it caused her a very bad case of GERD. Everywhere you read that peppermint is good/great for nausea. Well……. i guess it’s not really always the case… so just be aware folks, is all i’m saying… hopefully you are dealing with CVS and then your set!
“Do not take peppermint or drink peppermint tea if you have gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD — a condition where stomach acids back up into the esophagus), or hiatal hernia. Peppermint can relax the sphincter between the stomach and esophagus, allowing stomach acids to flow back into the esophagus. (The sphincter is the muscle that separates the esophagus from the stomach.) By relaxing the sphincter, peppermint may actually worsen the symptoms of heartburn and indigestion.”
from http://umm.edu/health/medical/altmed/herb/peppermint
p.s. love your pressure cuff hacks!!!!
also can’t wait to try these bands for nausea next time she has an episode, the anti-nausea pain meds caused terrible stomach pain! We tried homeopathic nausea meds but they didn’t help
Yowza, Heidi, poor girl! 🙁 I hope you can figure out some triggers and avoid them for her! Katie
My son and I both suffer from motion sickness. It doesn’t effect our stomachs, though; it effects our heads. What seems to help us is, at the first sign of motion sickness, open car windows and close your eyes. Sometimes that works, but not always.
When I’m not able to prevent it, I get dizzy, my head swims, and I can’t concentrate on anything for quite a while afterwards. The only option that works for me is to lie still, preferably somewhere without much light or sound stimulation.
Oooo, that sounds like zero fun. 🙁 I wonder if peppermint would help that style too, because it’s recommended for headaches. Might be worth a shot! 🙂 Katie
Fascinating! I’ve wondered if kids could get it, and I’ve wondered if those sea-bands work. Thanks!
I get car-sickness really easily, and I can second the fact that peppermint can do a lot to calm the nausea. I usually use mint-flavored gum, but I like the candy cane idea too, especially for little ones! If you only have captain’s chairs in the middle (one behind driver and passenger), the middle seat in the far back bench might be better than a captain’s chair b/c of the direct line of sight out the windshield. Cool air in their face helps, as well as closing their eyes. Even if they don’t sleep, if they can shut out the things flying past their eyes, it will help give them a break. We also used a lot of audio things when I was a kid–something entertaining to listen to but doesn’t make you look elsewhere. Great tips, and will be trying the sea-bands!
We love having lots of audiobooks too, Diana – I just added that note to the post! 🙂 Katie