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In-Season Recipe Connection: Cabbage Salad with Goat Cheese

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Cabbage Salad With Goat Cheese Or Feta

I’m not usually a fancy cheese girl.

It tantalizes me, really, and I’ve always loved raising my status in a group by going bold and ordering a meal with goat cheese in a restaurant. Other than goat cheese and feta, however, my cheese experience pretty much begins with cheddar and ends with mozzarella.

When Ile de France Cheese offered to send me some samples, I wasn’t even sure what to ask for. I got goat cheese, brie, Fol Epi (???), and some very, very stinky cheese that I gave away to Jen at Big Binder Blog, who really likes stinky cheese.

I was seriously intimidated.

Cabbage Salad With Goat Cheese Or Feta

In case you haven’t noticed, my recipes all use…cheddar or mozzarella. Have I said that before? Repeating myself if a bit like the cheese selection in my refrigerator…

I did manage to use all the cheese, and in spite of my fears, I enjoyed experimenting, although I didn’t go very far outside my comfort zone. I mainly adapted recipes I already had to include fancier cheese. Just goes to show you don’t have to try something radically new to try something new.

I’m working on focusing on in-season produce this month, since the Farmer’s Markets are bursting with fresh veggies here in Michigan, where the growing season has finally caught up to the eating season.


Cabbage Salad With Goat Cheese Or Feta

Cabbages can be huge, especially if you always go for the biggest ones to get your money’s worth when they’re priced individually instead of by the pound. Sometimes it’s hard to know how to use the whole thing when you’re not a sauerkraut maker. (Pity I’m not; my 100% Polish grandmother used to have a fifteen-gallon crock to make hers in. Isn’t that fabulous?)

I like using about half to make Simple Cabbage Soup with Secret Super Food, and the rest for Beef and Cabbage Pockets from The Nourishing Gourmet. However, it’s really nice to have more than two recipes for a massive head of cabbage (which is actually pretty healthy, not like iceberg lettuce like I used to think).

Cabbage can work well in a kid friendly dinner salad bar too.

Recipe: Cabbage Salad with Goat Cheese (or Feta)

(Print version first followed by pictorial.)
This simple salad goes together in minutes and is a welcome change from a lettuce salad each night at dinner. Cool, crisp, with a little bite, cabbage salad will refresh you, even if you don’t like coleslaw!

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This simple salad goes together in minutes and is a welcome change from a lettuce salad each night at dinner. Cool, crisp, with a little bite, cabbage salad will refresh you, even if you don’t like coleslaw!

Cabbage Salad with Goat Cheese

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  • Author: Katie Kimball


  • 1/4 head cabbage (or less)
  • 23 Tbs. extra virgin olive oil (EVOO)
  • 1/21 Tbs. balsamic vinegar
  • 1 clove garlic, crushed
  • salt (Use the code kitchenstewardship for 15% off of your first purchase)
  • dill
  • goat cheese (or feta)
  • optional: Add sunflower seeds and/or shredded carrots for color if you’re serving a crowd.

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  1. Shred cabbage with a sharp knife.
  2. Drizzle EVOO and vinegar on top and mix well until satisfied with the saturation. Add more to taste.
  3. Sprinkle salt and dill over the top and mix in with the garlic. (This recipe is not for those who love their measuring spoons!)
  4. Add goat cheese or feta to taste.

  • Need a little help getting healthy food on the table every day? Real Plans takes the stress out of meal planning and puts the nourishing food BACK on your table. There’s a plan for every diet type, including GAPS, Paleo, AIP, Whole30, vegetarian and more! You remain totally in control: use your own recipes, accept theirs, and teach the system what your family likes…Check out how powerful it is here!

Recipe: Cabbage Salad with Goat Cheese (or Feta)


Cabbage Salad With Goat Cheese Or Feta

Shred cabbage with a sharp knife. Drizzle EVOO and vinegar on top and mix well until satisfied with the saturation. Add more to taste. Sprinkle salt and dill over the top and mix in with the garlic. This recipe is not for those who love their measuring spoons! Add goat cheese or feta to taste.

The salad lasts well a day in the refrigerator, and somewhat well for a few more days, but it’s definitely best freshly made!

Does your cheese intimidate you? What do you do with the fancy stuff?

Cabbage Salad With Goat Cheese Or Feta
Unless otherwise credited, photos are owned by the author or used with a license from Canva or Deposit Photos.

27 thoughts on “In-Season Recipe Connection: Cabbage Salad with Goat Cheese”

  1. Pingback: 50 Scrumptious Salad Recipes - Keeper of the Home

  2. I think this might be the best way I’ve ever eaten cabbage. I made a big bowl intending to save some for another day and ended up eating the whole thing. YUM!

  3. Lissa Huysmans

    Tried this yesterday at a family get together and it was the only salad that was completely gone. Thanx!

  4. Pingback: Real Food Diet: 3 Ways to Simplify Your Schedule by Scheduling your Food | daily digest

  5. I realize you posted this awhile ago, but I just found it and it was AMAZING!! I had Feta on hand. I threw in some red onion and dried cranberries. It was great!!! I loved your comment about measuring spoons…those are for baking not for salads. 🙂

  6. Pingback: Meal Plan Monday #24 | Modern Alternative Kitchen

  7. Pingback: A Grain-Free Dinner (& What's On Your Plate?)

  8. Just tried this minus the cheese (just too expensive although I looove goat cheese), and oh my goodness! AMAZING! Thank you for adding some variety to my salad repertoire 🙂

    1. Christina,
      We’ve been having this a lot lately, too – try feta for a less expensive but still yummy alternative to the goat cheese. 🙂 Kati

  9. Hand-crafted raw cheese from pastured animals is amazing! Check out these recipes from Redwood Hill farm, a goat dairy in California that makes outstanding goat cheese.[product-type]=41&block[meal-type]=&go.x=17&go.y=9&go=GO

  10. Jen @ BigBinder

    The stinkier the better 🙂 Goat cheese is nice and mild – this looks like an AWESOME recipe!
    .-= Jen @ BigBinder´s last blog ..Day of Hope – August 19 =-.

    1. I remembered the name of the stinky cheese when I was telling the story to family today – it’s “Chaumes” for all of you who LIKE stinky. Not I, friend, not I. 🙂 Katie

  11. Mmm, am definately goin to try that recipe. I love cheese of all kinds (even the stinky french ones), I have a red cabbage salad recipe with blue cheese, orange zest and toasted walnuts that’s to die for. I add fried Haloumi to spinach salads for lunch several times a week. Wrap boneless chicken thighs around slices of brie with cranberry sauce and tie the whole thing in a slice of proscuitto. Here in Australia we have a beautiful cheese that’s infused with wasabi, another of my favourite ingrediants and devine with dates.
    I have many many ways that I use cheese and probably eat it everyday. Experiment away and you will be rewarded 😀

  12. Tiffany@ The Coconut Mama

    This sounds yummy! I have some fresh-homemade feta that I can use to make this. Thanks for the recipe!
    .-= Tiffany@ The Coconut Mama´s last blog ..SPROUTED AMARANTH TORTILLAS =-.

  13. Alison @ Hospitality Haven

    I LOVE trying new cheeses!! Just wish they weren’t so expensive. We had goat brie the other day. 🙂
    .-= Alison @ Hospitality Haven´s last blog ..A New Direction- The Mailman Family =-.

  14. Jenn AKA The Leftover Queen

    What a lovely combination!
    .-= Jenn AKA The Leftover Queen´s last blog ..Pairing is Caring – Boloco- Burlington- Vermont =-.

  15. Katie,
    Just the recipe I needed to use up that cabbage in the fridge! We love cabbage and I used a nice fresh head from the coop in a polish sausage with apples recipe!Yum! This salad sounds great, though! I only have feta on hand…what do you think? Purple cabbage salad w/ feta? We’ll see!
    Blessings to you!

  16. I just found your blog and had to say a quick hello, thank you, and amen! I stay at home with my sweet 14 month old, and have lately come to realize that I can minister to my family and any others God allows through my home and my time here. Thanks for giving such great recipes and reminders of how to continue doing this to the best of my ability!

  17. You know, our local foods delivery has goat cheese and I always skip over the option to add it in, even though I’m very curious. I think this salad might be the excuse I’ve been looking for to give it a try 🙂

    .-= Kara Fleck´s last blog ..Five Minutes for Mom =-.

  18. Barb @ My Daily Round

    Cheese is always big here. One child insists that cheddar is only yellow like the blocks I get from Costco. The other kids are more willing to try non-yellow cheeses. I’ve even snuck some fancy schmancy ones into homemade mac and cheese.

    Personally, I love cheese. My favorites are brie and blue cheese.

    The cabbage recipe looks good. I have everything except the cheese. I may try it anyway! 🙂
    .-= Barb @ My Daily Round´s last blog ..moving furniture around =-.

  19. The fancier stuff is great just eaten straight up! I love cheese. I live in Wisconsin – America’s Dairyland and all – so cheese was a staple for me for years, despite what it did to me. I’m dairy free now, so I don’t eat it anymore, but good cheese? Oh it’s to die for. 🙂

    Don’t let it intimidate you! Experiment and enjoy. The best way to find out if you like something is to go to a high end cheese shop where they’ll let you taste before you buy. So much fun!
    .-= Deanna´s last blog ..Kiddo Creations- Peanut Butter Waffles =-.

  20. April Harris

    We eat a lot of different cheeses in our house, especially Brie and some of the more exotic European cheeses (mainly because they are so easy to buy here in England). I’m not great with all of them, my husband is braver than me, but I try them all and experiment with them in cooking as much as possible. I can’t manage to eat goat’s cheese at all, but I would love to try your recipe with feta – it looks delicious!

  21. We have great goat cheesee at our farmers market, and love it plain on bread or crackers or with a bit of jelly. One of the kids favorite desserts is goat cheese on dried figs or dates, and it’s also great with nuts that have some spice to them. Yum…

  22. My little guy is allergic to cows’ milk but can tolerate goats’ milk okay, so we always have goat’s cheese in the house for him. I will use it in my salad or on crackers, but that’s about as far as I will venture. I have been tempted to use some creamy goat cheese in some lasagna, but I’m a little scared that it will be gross 🙂

    1. Stephanie,
      I tried this goat cheese in just about everything, including a corner of a traditional lasagna. It was fine! Just don’t go too heavy on it, I would think. 🙂 Katie

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