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Our Rookie Whole30 Meal Plans + My Anti-Cavity Diet Menu

Whole30 meal ideas

The great thing about a Whole30 is that it really makes you meal plan, and you find ideas for so many vegetables in your diet, you might buy out the produce section. You might even start your day with a load of vegetables, like this “tastes like pizza breakfast hash” I discovered.

If you ever follow me on Facebook when my husband and I do a Whole30 or other elimination diet meal plan or healing diet like Gut Thrive in 5, you’ll see our veggie-laden meal planning day by day. 🙂

This menu plan demo is from my husband’s first Whole30 (during Lent one year). It really rocked our world with difficulty. Thankfully it fit perfectly with my trying to heal my cavities, so my meals are included as well. It wasn’t easy – but it was worth it. Even if you’re a Whole30 (or grain-free of any kind) rookie, this menu plan should feel doable (it was for us). This is how I learned to stick to meal planning long term.

Our Whole30 Diet and Anti-Cavity Plan

We both avoided grains, legumes, sugars and all sweeteners, and he skipped the dairy while I skipped nuts. So take note of these in the meal plans and make sure you stick to the Whole30-approved foods if you are following the diet.

The only high carb foods left were white potatoes and fruits (and I was not supposed to overdo the fruits either).

At first, it felt like we might starve. Or buy all the vegetables in the store. Or spend hours washing and cutting vegetables and then still feel starving half an hour after eating.

The reality ended up being far short of that (but in the general direction).

We did start out feeling pretty hungry all the time (it didn’t help that day one was Ash Wednesday, when adult Catholics are asked to fast by eating only one meal plus two small additions and avoid eating between meals). (Note: It got easier.)

This was my first shopping trip:

Whole 30 Vegetables Shopping Trip

That’s a lot of produce!

Whole30 and Anti-Cavity Meals at the Kitchen Stewardship® House

The following are standbys, things we always eat but won’t list (note many of these are not Whole30 compliant, but are for my kids or my anti-cavity diet)

Snacks Might Include:

  • homemade jello
  • crispy nuts for hubs
  • dried fruit (although I should always eat less of this!)
  • lots of cheese slices for me (not Whole30 compliant)
  • pea pods and raw veggies
  • grapefruits
  • Clementines
  • lots of bananas for hubs

The meals:

Ash Wednesday:

  • egg for breakfast (hubs) – I ate a piece of leftover grain-free banana bread from The Healthy Breakfast Book
  • egg for lunch (hubs), my lunch was a salmon burger, yogurt, pea pods.
  • For dinner I screwed up French Onion soup because I forgot it had a whole stick of butter in it until I got to making it, already later than I should have been! We ended up having broth, sauteed veggies and flatbread for the kids (I made and froze gluten-free flatbread so they could have something with soup in general)


Whole 30 and Anti Cavity Breakfast day
  • egg and veggie scramble (peppers, onions, bok choy – topped with feta for me and radishes and tomatoes for him) + green smoothie (dairy-free for him – not entirely recommended on the Whole30, but I had greens I wanted to use up)
  • leftover meatball soup (one key to making a new elimination diet work is to make some “legal” meals leading up to it so you have leftovers to pull from!)
  • roast chicken, sweet potatoes, creamed cauliflower (pulled out steamed for hubs), sauteed veggies (fennel, onion, garlic, green beans, broccoli, spinach)

Friday (meatless for Lent)

Egg Drop Soup Baked Potato Roasted Veggies Whole 30 dinner
paleo pancakes

  • (kids and I) grain-free banana pancakes (to the right), (hubs) eggs and veggies
  • (kids) leftover white chicken chili, (me) tuna salad with cucumber slices, yogurt, (hubs) big salad with nuts, spicy dressing, lots of raw veggies
  • egg drop soup (recipe in The Healthy Breakfast Book), baked potatoes, roasted veggies (red cabbage, Brussels sprouts, onion) tossed in olive oil and a seasoning blend (picture above)


  • quick breakfast before sporting event – eggs and veggies for adults, oatmeal for kids
  • leftover soups, chicken on salad (I was at a party – egg drop soup)
  • steak stir fry (how to marinate and stir fry in Better Than a Box) including bok choy, onions, peppers, broccoli, green beans, pea pods, and I forgot to include the cabbage. Was going to do cauli-rice but decided to skip it and just did some white rice for the kids.


Sausage Egg Muffins Whole
  • sausage patties with egg “sandwiches” (photo), sauteed onions, peppers, mushrooms and greens, mugs of broth, plus yogurt for me (Sunday is cereal day for the kids)
  • leftover meatball soup (one bowl each left) plus chicken on a lettuce “wrap” with veggies (cheese for me)
Chicken Sandwich Wraps
  • cheeseburger soup without cheese for hubs, just served it at the table to mix in. Worked great! Served over leftover cold white rice for kids for some bulk (helped to cool their soup down without using an ice cube). Grain-free Cheesy Biscuits (eggs, butter, cheese, coconut flour ) from Better Than a Box for me and kids. We are skipping pizza night on Sundays for Lent, although this time “simple soup” wasn’t much of a sacrifice!
Whole30 meal planning doesn’t have to be overwhelming. Better yet it can be customized just for you with a few clicks. How?!?!?

Whole30 has partnered with Real Plans to bring you a interactive meal planning experience to make following a Whole30 diet easier.

They’ve even included options to make the reintroduction phase a no brainier! Check it out here.


Chicken Salad and Roasted Veggies
  • Grain-free cinnamon apple breakfast porridge for those who could have nuts and yogurt for me (not Whole30 compliant)
  • last of leftover roasted chicken on a salad with veggie toppings, cheese for me (mustard and Italian as dressing) + leftover roasted veggies from Thursday (I just toss the leftover veggies on our big cast iron griddle to heat them up – easy, and we don’t wash it, just scrape, so thankfully no new dishes are created)
Hamburger with mushroom buns and homemade French Fries
  • hamburgers on grilled portabella mushroom caps with grilled onions, homemade guacamole, tomatoes and lettuce, homemade French fries, mug of egg drop soup


2 24 breakfast eggs sweet potatoes sausage
  • scrambled eggs, leftover diced fried sweet potatoes, small sausage patty (cheese on mine)
Steak Fajita Salad
Steak Fajita Salad Whole 30
  • steak fajita salad with grilled onions and peppers, diced red onion, tomatoes, guacamole, salsa without sugar added from Meijer naturals (I thawed and sliced a bunch of steak Saturday and marinated some for Asian style stir fry and some for fajitas – such a yummy lunch, look at those pictures!)
  • spaghetti squash with no-sugar spaghetti sauce and homemade sausage with seasoning, steamed cauliflower and broccoli, salads, guac for dipping

Printable Whole30 Shopping List

Need some help getting started?

Grab your free Whole30 shopping list to make your shopping easy!

A New Twist on Batch Cooking

Have you tried batch cooking? It’s one of my favorite kitchen hacks to save time while cooking real food, but my take may be slightly different than the ones you’ve seen before.

Instead of making large batches of food and saving them for later, I batch together kitchen tasks and link one night’s dinner to the next. Think of it as getting a head start on your next meal. The net result is time savings AND fresh dinners every night.

The current trend in meal prep seems to be focused on taking several hours on a weekend day to chop and prep veggies, cook meats, and then assemble the leftovers into a multitude of containers.

This is great if it works for you, but my family gets sick of eating leftovers all the time and I get tired of keeping track of all the containers in the fridge! Plus, spending 3-4 hours in the kitchen on a Saturday or Sunday afternoon is usually the last thing I want to do.

My Real Food Head Start 7 Day Dinner Plan provides a framework for incorporating my technique each day to save time on future meals and even start stocking your freezer if you want, while still making and serving a fresh dinner. The best part is, you use the time you are already in the kitchen – no extra prep day needed!


Whole 30 Refrigerator and Food Storage
  • breakfast was probably whatever we had leftover from the week – shopping day! See how full the fridge gets after I get home?? Carrots, peppers, cabbage and rutabaga all get demoted to the countertop for a few days. The crisper drawers are PACKED, and they can handle it…If it wasn’t in the single digits, I’d leave all that in the garage. Here’s the rest of the shopping trip, plus 4 bunches of bananas, 10# of carrots, 6 peppers and 2 heads of cabbage:
Whole 30 Vegetables Shopping Trip
  • Hubs was out for lunch with his old co-workers (steak and a dry potato) so the kids and I had whatever was around
  • Hubs remained out with friends to work out, and they fed him a legal dinner (chicken breast, broccoli, fruit) so the kids and I had leftover cheeseburger soup and grain-free biscuits.


2 26 breakfast w leftover meat and veggies
  • me and kids: green smoothie with yogurt, for everyone: eggs made to order with various veggies, leftover Thai ground meat from neighbor’s party Saturday (thanks, neighbor, if you’re reading! It was delicious and used in a couple random meals this week!)
  • me: liver strips dredged in shredded coconut (I’m determined to heal these cavities!!) and plenty of mustard, leftover fajitas for hubby and John
  • leftover stir fry, mugs of broth (and then life starts to get tricky again – we had little food at the beginning, then I made gallons and gallons of broth and huge meals and we had a surplus of leftovers, but a few days in a row of eating leftovers and the fridge starts to look empty! Ok, so not empty…but just full of vegetables!)

Friday (meatless)

Friday meatless lunch sauteed veggies tuna cheese pear egg drop soup
  • kids: oatmeal, husband: leftover nut-based porridge, me: half grapefruit, sliced banana and coconut chips with milk
  • sauteed asparagus, onions, peppers and Brussels sprouts (in bacon grease) with optional egg on top, egg drop soup, tuna with homemade mayo and mustard, cheese for me, fresh veggies and salad for hubs (pic above)
    This was such a yummy meal! We had a friend of my husband’s in from out of town, and lo and behold, he had just finished a Whole30 that week! It was a bit of a Twilight Zone experience for my husband, who has basically zero friends with kids, to suddenly have a friend even remotely “in his world” and “speaking our language.” It was fun! And I was happy to feed them well before The Big Cheat the following day…
Pan fried Tilapia with St Peters Spicy Fish Seasoning
  • St. Peter’s spicy seasonings for fish on tilapia or salmon, baked potatoes, roasted beets (I’m the only one who will eat them), roasted purple cauliflower with smoked paprika and EVOO (delish! and gorgeous!), salads, black bean and avocado salad without the black beans (so good – so that’s tomato, avocado, pepper and onion salad with cilantro – super happy it worked without a main ingredient!)


Sauteed cabbage with sausage and Brussels sprouts
  • kids: leftover oatmeal adults: scrambled eggs with Swiss chard
  • leftover spaghetti squash (with cheese for me and the kids) + egg drop soup
    The Big Cheat – hubby had tickets to a local event with good beer and better friends, and he lined it up with God before Lent that he would take this day off. He’ll still have 30 days+ before Easter to get the full experience, so we looked at the first 10 days as good practice.
  • sauteed cabbage, onions, mushrooms and Swiss chard with garlic, sliced sausage on top (they do sadly have sugar in the ingredients, but my husband was out and they were going to expire before Lent ended, so I decided to save my homemade ground sausage for another day), mugs of beef broth, sauteed Brussels sprouts (for me). Kids had white rice added and lots of fresh veggies for munching.

Just after this weekend, hubby started taking a new probiotic – Prescript Assist, which we received from my affiliate partner Perfect Supplements (use the coupon KS10 for 10% off!) after I realized that our regular liquid probiotic has agave in it, a no-no on the Whole30. I didn’t want him off probiotics for 30 days, so I’m happy to have a non-dairy probiotic alternative.


Breakfast Pizza hash with Eggs
  • Tastes like Pizza” Breakfast hash – so yummy! It included leeks, celeriac, turnips, fennel, greens…and it was my kids who gave it its name, after I served it expecting them to hate it. Nice!
  • lunch was scraping the bottom of the barrel of leftovers, and I had liver strips – the 3yo, easily the pickiest eater in the household, steals them from my plate and eats them! Crazy….
  • baked chicken with pizza sauce (had an open jar I needed to get rid of) and cheese for the kids, taco seasoning or curry for the adults, roasted veggies (rutabaga, leek, carrot and Brussels sprouts), garlic soup (because I need to take a new photo – do NOT click over there, it’s horrible!)

It was at this meal that we heard the priceless phrase, “Rutabagas are good!” from the 3yo after fighting his “taster bite” for the entire meal. Yeah, this guy:

Helping John pour Kefir

I could eat those eyelashes right up, but I’m not sure they’re on my plan.


Have we had to THINK so hard about every meal? Has it been really tough not to graze on chocolate and junk? Is it crazy when there aren’t any easy substitutes and you must plan something or you eat nothing???


But I am hoping it will all be worth it.

What “Worth it” Looks Like:

  • 3 healed cavities
  • lost weight, 10-20 pounds would be nice for hubby, 8-10 for me and a flatter tummy (I’m 4 mos. postpartum)
  • improved digestion (hubby has Crohn’s Disease, although it’s really not active and hasn’t been for years, but we always figure a Lenten “reset” is a good idea)
  • more energy
  • reduced sugar cravings
  • a new love for vegetables

We didn’t lose weight in the first two weeks, but that came later.

The cravings had gotten a little better after two weeks though, to the point where at least I didn’t feel ravenous after every meal. I journaled that my tummy was getting flatter already, in spite of the lack of change on the scale.

And the veggies! Oh, the veggies!

The kids are eating more veggies naturally, and I just loved all the variety. I know how to cook – but I used to think of a side veg as a last minute thing and grab frozen green beans or broccoli and call it good.

So a Whole30 is definitely very good for your meal planning muscle and your vegetable buying muscle (and then some). I highly recommend it!

Have you ever done a Whole30? How did it go?

Meal Planning Resources

Here are the meal planning services (in no particular order) that I endorse for you to pick based on you and your family’s needs!

Try out their freebies (some even have free trials) to see what fits your personality and preferences!

Meal ideas for the whole 30 diet

UPDATE: Here is part two of the Whole30 and Anti-Cavity Diet Meal Plan – we made it, and it got easier!

Unless otherwise credited, photos are owned by the author or used with a license from Canva or Deposit Photos.

31 thoughts on “Our Rookie Whole30 Meal Plans + My Anti-Cavity Diet Menu”

  1. Hi there, so looking over the article that led to this one where you ended off with being completely unsure that what you were eating was healing your cavities, and then seeing your actual food menu, and comparing that with the general literature pushed out by Ramiel Nagel and that networked community, you have broken many tooth building rules in your diet.

    You should be avoiding sweet fruit, especially dried fruit which has so much more sugar in it. Potatoes are nightshades and draw calcium from your bones and teeth, and you should not be eating those at all, sweet potatoes would be an easy subsititute. Raw vegetables are full of plant toxins and should always be cooked, even if just lightly, except for exceptions like celery and lettuce. What kind of milk are you drinking? Raw, grass-fed from a good source? Is your cheese also from a good source? You didn’t say and this is super important, for you and the readers and is a massive topic.

    I’ve healed all my cavities and stopped major tooth decay from being ill and changing my diet, and I am sorry to say that the above diet would have enabled the tooth decay to persist.

    1. Katie Kimball @ Kitchen Stewardship®

      So glad you had success, Wendy! Definitely raw milk, yes, but I’m sure I did a lot wrong with the other things. I wasn’t trying to follow a perfect diet, that’s for sure, just the main points. I know that those who follow Nagiel’s work carefully have many, many rules.

      Thanks for adding to this post!
      🙂 Katie

  2. I love the tip about adding cold leftover rice to kids’ soup to cool it down! I’ll be trying that for sure

  3. Becca @ The Earthling's Handbook

    I love the tip about adding cold leftover rice to kids’ soup to cool it down! I’ll be trying that for my 3-year-old rice lover!

  4. While I commend your plan to eat real food, this is not the same as Whole30. In Whole30 there is no dairy, no snacking, no jello, no butter (although ghee is okay), no baked goods including grain/gluten free breads. I know things may come off badly via text, so I want you to know I am not trying to bash you. I just think you may be confusing people by calling any of this Whole30 when it really isn’t.

    1. Katie Kimball @ Kitchen Stewardship

      Hi Christy,
      My husband did the Whole30 and I didn’t – so I added cheese and such. We didn’t bake anything. He didn’t do the no snacking part because he was heavily exercising. No butter, only ghee – but I ate the butter he didn’t! So you’d have to know the Whole30 to know what parts of this to omit I guess, but we definitely did our best to do a true Whole30. I didn’t know about the jello part – oops!
      🙂 Katie

      1. Katie,

        I guess I didn’t realize that it was just your husband doing Whole30. I still think it’s wonderful that you and your family took that time and care to do something healthy together.



  5. I heard you on Katie Wellness Mama’s podcast, and am glad to discover this blog. For Lent, we are doing an elimination diet. I thought we ate pretty well before, but I guess I let artificial food dye and sugar sneak in more than I realized. This has helped point that out. We eat a lot of vegetables and meat. I feel SO hungry without eggs and dairy. I’ve been eating a lot more nuts and fruits (fresh and dried) to make up for it, but it doesn’t seem to help. I’m also four months post partum with my third. The weight came off so quickly at first, but a decent amount remains around my middle. I’m Praying for Gods grace to accept that, but hopefully I just need to be patient and it will come off. Hang in there!

    1. Katie Kimball @ Kitchen Stewardship

      Hey Mary, Welcome aboard! You’ve eliminated a lot of foods if eggs are off your plate too, wow! If you’re nursing the baby, make sure you’re getting enough fat (add ghee and coconut oil to everything) and also carbs for energy (the dried fruit is good, and sweet potatoes, white potatoes if you’re eating them). Hope you learn a lot from the elimination! 🙂 Katie

  6. I did a month of JERFing (Just Eat Real Food) and least year for Lent we did Paleo (and were starving too). Ice done Paleo off and on, but never the Whole30. I was going to recommend that your husband eat more carbs due to training, but I see others have already suggested that. Recently I read an article that compared a no carb diet to a low/no fat diet to see which was better. The testers were twins and interestingly, the one who was able to eat as many carbs as he wanted had more energy and the one that ate only protein and fat felt very sluggish when they did physical and mental tests. Good luck with your goals.

    1. Katie Kimball @ Kitchen Stewardship

      That is interesting Jamie! Were there weight loss differences too?

      1. Yes, the protein/fat diet lost more weight, 9 lbs in a month. But the other lost weight as well. I don’t remember if it mentioned how much he lost. Both participants were doctors. Obviously not a huge “study,” but both having the same genes made it a fairly good test.

        I have thyroid issues and have been doing research lately on food options as my doctor seems to think the 10+ lbs I’ve gained in the last year aren’t a big deal since my labs come out normal. One interview I read from the underground wellness series with Sean Croxton suggested women on Paleo may need more carbs (i.e. noon-grain starches) than men. Most of the Paleo/Whole30 studies/info has focused on men. So make sure you are eating your sweet potatoes, winter squash and bananas! 😉

  7. My husband and I are also doing a much needed reset this Lent. It’s pretty close to the Whole30 with the exception that we add white rice. I enjoy seeing what you are eating, especially on Fridays. I always struggle with trying to have a simple dinner on those days without overdoing it with eggs.

    I love all of the veggies you guys are eating. I’m terrible at buying more veggies outside of our CSA box, but I think I might need to step it up. We love roasted beets too!

    Oh, and we always use mustard on our liver. Although, the more we eat it (I aim for 4 oz/ea once a week), the more I can tolerate the flavor.

    I second the comment on increasing your carbs and/or fats if your having regularity issues. When we were low carb/Paleo that was an issue for me that I took too long to notice. And that was not good. 🙁

  8. Remember: That on the Whole30 you get a pre and post work out meal – NOT to be replaced by one of your 3 meals. Here’s the requirements for those meals on this document. It should help the hubby with his energy!,d.aWw Also, I’ve found that this is my first Whole30 where I wasn’t super regular either. I’m a really regular girl, and when on previous Whole30s twice a day was normal. Now, this time around EBFing I’m having some difficulty – so I think that has something to do with it, cause just now 15days into this one I’m starting to feel normal in this step. AND, as far as weight goes, maybe you need to be eating just a little more. The rule of eggs is eat how many you can reasonably hold in your hand – me, four…my husband 5-6! Especially if hubby is seriously working out! But this is a GREAT post!!! Awesome stuff!

    1. Katie Kimball @ Kitchen Stewardship

      You are the Whole30 guru! Thank you! I’ve never heard of that egg rule…so that’s how many you should/could eat in a meal? Cool.

      I know my husband is not really paying attention to the number of meals/not eating in between thing…he had a lot of rules to juggle at first! I should ask him if he’s going to try to do that…as well as the not-looking-at-the-scale rule. 🙂

      Thank you!!
      🙂 Katie

  9. Interested to know how you did the liver and if it was tasty 🙂 We’ve done 1 whole30 and need to do another I just can’t wrap my mind around all the prep work right now. Thanks for sharing your day-to-day details, they’re inspiring!

    1. Katie Kimball @ Kitchen Stewardship

      I sliced it thinly and soaked in either lemon juice or milk (very important to get some of the funky taste out!!) at least overnight or up to 5 days. Then I just dredged it in finely shredded coconut and fried on med/med-high as quickly as possible. Overcooking liver makes it terrible!! It’s much much much better with caramelized onions, but I kept forgetting to start those 30 mins before lunch, so off I went with liver and mustard. 🙂 Katie

  10. This is a huge expense for our tighter budget. I shop Wegmans and their brand and cheaper organics….of which there is not much “cheaper!! We now have Trader Joes and love, love that wondrous store!! I have lost 70 lbs and now must stop but it is hard for I am now used to Smoothies, salads etc. We do what we can but our food bills are off the chart for our income. I really feel for ones that have an even tighter budget than we do. Do we pay bills or eat organic and totally healthy? Some months it is actually a choice for us. Sigh…..

    1. Katie Kimball @ Kitchen Stewardship

      Fresh produce can be SO expensive, you’re very right. But I do think that organics aren’t the only way to be healthy – I would buy conventional produce all the time if my budget was tighter, and I wouldn’t feel guilty at all. I find that cabbage salads alternating with the lettuce help the bottom line a lot, and I always check the reduced produce rack, especially for smoothie ingredients. Way to GO on losing 70 pounds, that’s amazing!! You’ll be able to keep it up, even on a budget. (I hope, for you!!)
      🙂 Katie

  11. So I am 3 months postpartum and will finish our last day of the whole30 tomorrow! I wanted to drop a few pounds and mostly wanted to get my tummy flattened out since it’s still looking a little 8-12 weeks pregnant… So I ate/am eating a fruit (usually apple or banana) and couple tablespoons of almond butter twice a day, most days as well as a Lara bar for snacks. I’m not sure if that is too much sugar or not. I know snacking is discouraged as much as possible, but that’s what would keep me from feeling like I was starving. The food has been great though. I feel like I really appreciate the simple tastes of vegetables and fruits. It’s like I can taste what God intended for us to taste and enjoy. We have, however, been spending bookoos on our grocery bills–but not eating out at all except chipotle a few times:) And I do wish I would see more results than I have. I feel great, but don’t think I’ve lost more than a couple pounds:/ The hubby though has lost at least ten, and looks great:)

    Good luck with the rest of yours!

    1. Katie Kimball @ Kitchen Stewardship

      Yeah, the “beans and rice” budget doesn’t exactly work on a Whole30! If you’re still nursing, Emily, you certainly made the right choice on keeping snacking included and energy up, and a lot of times nursing moms can’t lose that last 5-10 pounds until weaning, so don’t worry too much – remember that it took 9 mos. to put on the weight, so give yourself grace for 9 months to get it off. 🙂 Katie

  12. Hubs and I are doing it right now. He is down 165 lbs and stopped drinking 65 oz of diet soda a day. Success already!

    1. Katie Kimball @ Kitchen Stewardship

      That is fantastic! Soda isn’t an easy habit to break, so that right there is a big deal. Good for you guys! 🙂 Katie

  13. I’ve done 6 whole30s, and my big advice would be eat twice as much fat as you think you should, and you both need to be eating more carbs (you bc of nursing and him bc of training). I have done whole30s while pregnant and also while nursing and found that I needed to eat starchy veg at every meal (heavy focus on squashes and potato) and that’s when the weight would come off and I’d have a lot of energy.

    1. Katie Kimball @ Kitchen Stewardship

      Good advice! I think we eat a lot of fat…but maybe I should be more cognizant about it…and it feels like we eat a lot of white potatoes too, although I’ve been trying not to overdo them for whatever reason. I should thaw some of the squash I froze in the fall, and I’m buying more sweet potatoes tomorrow! Thanks! 🙂 Katie

      1. We do Cauli-tatos at our house. Since full on mashed cauliflower doesn’t go over well with the kids (maybe the consistancy isn’t right) I always add in some leftover baked or boiled potatoes when I mash them up.
        Also know what else? Potatos have more resistant starch after they have been cooked AND cooled. So cold potatoes (ie potato salad) and reheated potatoes are better than fresh made ones! Mark’s Daily Apple has a super interesting post on that.

      2. Just a comment on Catholics and nursing, Katie, Catholics who are aren’t obligated to fast on Ash Wednesday and Good Friday (obviously we still have to abstain from meat on the required days though!). Love your discipline to eat like this!! Must say with four kids (I have 3 myself so I know) that’s hard….

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